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Everything posted by jfusco93

  1. jfusco93


    I agree with Mr. Biggles that would be a good option but i can see people turning their console off snd restarting :/ I hope in the july update they put a join in progress feature in for reach's last leg instead of more unecessary updates like maps and gameplays
  2. Hopefully mate, cant wait to see what everyones favourites are
  3. With the release of Halo 4 on the horizon I thought it would be a good idea to ask a community question and see what everyones view is. So on the custom loadouts what would be your preferred choice. For example mine would be: DMR Plasma pistol and Active camo
  4. All power weapons should be banned on invasion due to their advantage to spartans or have the respawns capped, I mean people purposly die when the rocket respawns just to gain more kills. The only way i can see it being more equal is by giving both teams weapons such as the sniper rifle and Spartan laser (because I believe the beam rifle is pointless against the sniper) or taking them away all togethee
  5. I would buy it it sounds sweet I really hope they let you pilot the pelican in Halo 4
  6. I agree they are really badly designed. They all look the same with nothing to seperate them and make them individually special. I agree with Skitzo on the topic of power weapons, if the spartans control the banshee, Spartan laser, sniper rifle and Rocket launcher.The elites will not win, even if they pull the core into the open they will be sniped down. Some time it feels pointless to play and this encourages quitters.
  7. I agree with that I hope they bring Invasion back for halo 4's war games but make it more winable, maybe put a twist in it like add CPU controlled team like prometheans to mix things up and disorientate both teams while protecting and taking the objective makes each game more of an adrenaline rush and more fun
  8. Just thought id ask what you all think about the new Invasion maps from the June update. I feel they have kinda ruined the playlist as it seems like the new maps were rushed in a way because they all feel the same and their construction. I was hoping for more maps built like breakpoint from the noble map pack dlc, complete with a little twist to the objectives for instance blowing up the reseach facility. Anyway i've shared my view what do you all think of the new maps?
  9. This is anniversary mate not reach your right however the plasma pistol is your best friend
  10. I wouldn't mind taking a stab at it, iv tried the library on solo and hated it my GT: CptHamSandwich
  11. jfusco93


    I agree iv found people tend to join a game and become AFK, they just stand there getting assassinated constantly especially on Invasion, its impossible to have a fun game. I'm gonna be so happy when these problems are fixed when Halo 4 is released
  12. I'm in need of some of the map pack achievements too il give you a add when im online my GT: CptHamSandwich
  13. jfusco93


    I got the MK.V I really think the original can't be competed with
  14. Il give you a add mate are you online on wednesday?
  15. jfusco93


    Is there anything 343 can do to stop early quitters that's more than a 10 minute ban, im sick of joining an invasion game to find people immidiatly leave for no reason, it just makes the match unfair and reach's matchmaking terrible
  16. Alright il add you guys really appriciate the help
  17. It's a shame like , I'm not getting my moneys worth, it feels like they just stole from me
  18. I have been wondering why the Squad DLC is so empty, iv just purchased the Defiant and noble map pack and I'm trying to get the achievements for the maps but when I join the matchmaking it only has on average 18 people playing daily and keeps researching for games.
  19. Thanks for the help il add you zealot, if free wednesdays and fridays on weekdays are you british or American? just for time zones
  20. Cheers mate il send him a mwssage when im back online
  21. On the map packs that came with Halo Anniversary which game mode allows you to play living dead, iv'e tried classic and FFA, hope someone can help
  22. Hello my names james i live in england and need to get through anniversary on legendary and get the skulls my gamertags is CptHamSandwich drop me a message on live and add me
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