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Jackal (2/19)
Hey everyone, here to provide you with a nice sized update that I hope will get you all excited! Project Ascension is doing pretty awesome in terms of getting some amazing people yet we are still wanting to get YOU. Now short of kidnapping and cloning a dummy to keep your family from knowing where you really are, we have decided to get you attention with competition, prizes, and enough fun that you will find yourself excreting bricks in amazement at what we have planned for you! Events We currently have recruitment events planned for the majority of the week, though these have some gamenights with amazing custom games thrown in that we have found through Forging Communities, and through Youtube. Trust me in saying even if you are unsure of joining Ascension, you don't want to miss out. Contests We have a boat load of contests and tournaments set up for you to compete in terms of skill, recruitment, and squad rivalries. I won't go into too much detail and make this a super big explanation of every contest, but we do have about 100 dollars worth in Microsoft Points (or dollars these days I guess) we are providing through our multiple events! If you find yourself keen on getting that extra bit of DLC you just haven't had the money for, you can bet trying your luck at our contests will help with that! A little bit more about Project Ascension We have a week now under our belts of experience, and we have roughly 10 active members, with the average age being somewhere in the late teens, to early 20's. We are a Halo community at heart, though we look forward to playing other games on both the Xbox 360, and the Xbox One. We don't require you change your gamertag, or anything ridiculous like changing your armor, and at risk of sounding arrogant, we have something for just about anyone. If you want to be part of an amazing community that is growing very fast, check us out at -link removed-.
Salvanous started following Project Ascension , Project Ascension Events Overload! , Looking for clans :( and 1 other
Every time I try to add you, Xbox says there is an error. Send me a friend request at the GT: Salvanous We are a small gaming community that started up as of Sunday, and we are quickly growing. We currently have roughly 12 members within 2 recruiting events, and more on the way. If you wanna check our site out, check us out at www.projectascension.net !
I find humor in this. Best bet is to try to take a longer range approach, and analyze the map, and player behavior, once you have a read on how people react, things become a lot easier. Getting a better internet connection also can do you wonders (speak with experience from seeing your internet's prowess)
Project Ascension is up folks! If you wanna take a look at what we are up to, check us out at www.projectascension.net. We keep a weekly update on the front page, you can see what our events are in our calendar, as well as find more indepth information in the forums.
The site is TECHNICALLY up, but it's threads are potentially going to be wiped clean, and we are getting a new banner and site background, so it's kinda like going into a run down apartment, only for it to be going under renovation. The site's flow will be relatively the same, but some key things are being changed around: 1.) The branches of the community that work towards various goals (Animus, Nexus, Terminus) are being more simplified, and made more of an additional thing to do alongside what the community offers, rather than have our members automatically placed into any of them. 2.) We are dropping a few aspects of our community's content. It's 95% fluff of what we are dropping, such as putting as much focus on working with other communities, a pre-established forging committee, and other aspects that simply aren't required. We will very likely bring these back later, but we are cutting them out for now to work on focusing on more key elements to raising a new community and make the workload just a bit easier on all of us. 3.) Various threads will be removed, or shifted to other locations. In example, Nexus branch once used to also work as mini moderators, where now they won't be, and as such, we are moving moderator threads to another thread. (I'm simplifying this explanation just for the sake of not needing to write down 2 paragraph explanation) With all that being said Banjo, I'll send you a friend request and see if I can't drag you into a few matchmaking games, or into some custom games. Recently made a few maps for the community, and we are always happy to bring new faces new material, or new matchmaking buddies. On a side note as well, love your signature!
I'm gonna throw this thread out there as a bit of a teaser as well as an invitation to anyone out there that still loves to play there daily Halo, but doesn't have many people left on their friend's list that plays Halo. I'm making a gaming community called "Project Ascension" with a strong emphasis on Halo. The community will deal work with our members to grow and expand for every type of gamer, from the casual Halo player, to the elite players. We are set up to have a war-simulation event (And no, not a LARP) in which all our participating members form into teams and work to gain domination of a risk type board, with each territory being represented by an actual in-game map. Alongside this, you can expect us to have a handful of gamenights each week ranging from any of the Halos, to other amazing multiplayer games. On top of the Campaign war simulations, and gamenights, we will also hold Tournaments, and days were we get together to simply work on achievements to help our members get that next step closer to 100% their games. Now that I'm done with the very rough explanation of what Project Ascension is, let me try provide some quick guidelines to the community: 1.) We don't have an age range, We have met plenty of 14 year olds that have it much more together than some guys and gals in college. We do however work to limit drama on the community to as small as we can. 2.) No, we do not require any changes to your gamertags, profiles, statuses, or anything like that. It's dumb, and a waste of your time to do it, and a waste of my time to even think of asking you to do it. 3.) We are an open community, if you are part of another community, we don't mind. We are just restarting and we understand that other larger communities have a lot to offer as well. We do appreciate monogamous members, but it's not like we are gonna chain you to the community. 4.) No, we don't demand that you attend every thing we do. We do appreciate members conveying that they wanna join an event, but unless you convey you want to join in, you don't need to feel pressure to join. Project Ascension already has pretty much everything we need to start up on a moment's notice, but due to our admins either being in college final's month, busy with a wedding around the corner, as well as other things in life demanding our attention, we won't be officially starting up for about a month and a half, late May to early June to help remove the chronological math from that. With all of that said, myself, and the other admins do find ourselves enough spare time to jump on our xbox often enough to forge some fun maps, do matchmaking, and keep up with anyone that wants to join with us for some fun times. If you feel like you wanna just jump on Halo and play with some decent guys feel free to send a friend request to gamertag: Salvanous.
Lol, my applogies, though I do actually write some Halo fiction. Right now I am working on some for Forerunner Conflict and it should be out this summer so if you want to read it come on over, the more the merrier really. And yeah, I will actually expand this to topic to all armors. I really hope they bring back all the old armors of the game (except for Haybusa as I understand that was from Ninja Gaiden and probably would be hard to get that to work out again. ) But in all reality, think about it, I bet everyone that plays Halo now has one or two pieces of armor they really love, and I know I had friends in Halo 3 that loved the Rouge helmet and when that wasn't brought into Halo Reach, they were really sad by that. They found new helmets, but I know they didn't like them as much. And now stop me if I am wrong here, but I think that making those armor pieces while not vital to gameplay allows people to feel a sense of pleasure in knowing that their spartans can maintain somewhat the same appearance in future games. I can't claim to know how much it costs to make these armors in the game, but why not bring back all the old armors for everyone to enjoy? What it does is it caters to your veteran members and letting them feel something from the old Halo games is back, but with 343's art spin on it. It welcomes back old members without hurting newer members who aren't familiar with the games yet. Let's all think about it this way. Think about that armor you have in Halo 3, or Halo Reach that you REALLY love. And let's say you won't be able to have that armor anymore in Halo 4-6, I bet you would really think that kind of sucks, and yeah I think we would all still love the game, but it's just a bitter taste to see something you have loved so much leave the series, I feel safe in saying that Recon will stay in the game as it was always said to have been an experimental helmet in Halo 3 and Reach, so even if it isn't an experimental helmet in 4-6, I bet it may now be in practical use. However I still want to voice my concern that the armors that we love be brought into the new game.
Now you see, to me Recon still means something emotionally to me, you are talking about making it mean something to the community. Frankly, I am not saying that we need to make Recon something important to the community. I would encourage 343 to make a new helmet for Halo 4 that would have the awe you got from Recon in Halo 3, not Recon again per say. In my opinion, Reach did fail with the haunted helmet, mainly because the amount of time that it took to get it didn't take a showing of skill, but simply playing a mountain of Reach, and the demand for the helmet was so low for the amount of time you needed to dedicate to getting it. I don't mean that if 343 gives us a new helmet that they need to make it only possible to get for the hardcore fans, but lets take helmet variations here for a second. What if by doing a certain challenge you unlocked a specific attachment for that armor? You could maybe still get the helmet plain without the achievement, but that one aesthetic addition you needed get through a challenge given. I would prefer a specific helmet or armor for your reward, but this idea may also cater to the more average audience while still through the more elite players a bone. Like I said, I want Recon to be in Halo 4 because it has a connection with me, and I feel almost awkward now playing without my precious recon helmet. I am not here to try to make those people who aren't Recon fans like recon, or make them think that Recon is this "awesome super elite mega helmet" I am here speaking for myself, and hopefully with the voice of those of us who do still hold a passion for the helmet and want to see that passion live on through the rest of the Halo games.
No, I am not mad that Recon in Reach is so easily obtainable, first off to get Colonel, you need to have spent a good amount of time playing the game, in which case I don't mind them having the standard recon, and the helmet that you got from preorder, I don't mind that either because it meant that you cared enough for Halo to be there from the start. In fact I like that they made one recon for preorder, but made another for those unfortunate enough not to be able to get it. I don't mind if everyone has recon, I am not that person who get's mad that I am not special because I don't feel special. No the recon helmet to me was my reward from the Halo series in me becoming a true Halo fan, and the game telling me that I was had reached a skill that I was looking for. Like I said in my previous post, I am part of Forerunner Conflict, a gaming community, and some of the people who don't have the vidmasters done in Halo 3 I tell them if they ever need help I am more than happy to help them with the Vidmasters, even if they may not be good enough to get them on their own, because I remember how hard it was getting people to help me. Since I got Recon, I have helped 3 people with every Vidmaster I could with them, and I have helped get friends Recon who I know would not have gotten it without help. The feeling I get from my recon may be different from theirs, but I cherish that memory and the feeling I get when wearing my recon. The armor to me has a more symbolic nature to it, in that it made me realize that even without high skill people to carry me through a game or a challenge, I could still rise to the occasion. I am still improving in Halo as time passes on, but to put it in a very bad way Recon to me was kind of like the passage of being a man or a woman, it is a turning point in the ascension from an average player, to being a skilled player. I know that some people got mad that they made recon for people who did all the vidmasters instead of pleasing Bungie, and I am not one of those people, and I know people where mad about Recon being so easy to get in Reach, and I wasn't one of those people. In all reality, I hope that 343 comes out with a new helmet/set of armor that you unlock through doing a new series of vidmasters, and that will be a cool new helmet that everyone wants. With that said though, even if there is a new "awesome cool helmet" I will be sticking with my Recon, because it is important to me, and I know it was first in my hands when I stepped up to the plate. So bring your GRD helmet, or whatever helmet you may have 343, I encourage you to make the players work for a helmet like that and really want to get it, but please don't forget Recon, because even if it is the cheapest helmet and easily accessible now, I still remember each Vidmaster, as well as the random friends I made while doing the vidmasters, and the Recon has been a sweet reward for it. And Bulletstorm, to your last comment, I don't think you are looking at the issue the right way in my book. The armor shouldn't make you look good, it should make you feel good. I know that when I play Reach, Halo 3, or ODST I want to wear my Recon, because it is the helmet that I connect with from the emotions I had getting it. I still have those emotions in Halo Reach even though it was a preorder, and I will still have those feelings for Halo 4 if they are so kind and considerate enough to hear my words as well as the rest of the Recon wearers. I don't need them to make Recon special again, because it is still special to me. The armor I wear isn't worn because it's high rank , but because of the memories attached to the armor. I hope you understand what I mean.
Okay, I am going to warn everyone right now that I am a new member here so I don't know what I am really doing, and secondly that I am going to very likely sound like a pathetic Halo player for this being one of the bigger questions on my mind: Will we see the Recon helmet be with us in Halo 4? I will explain why this is my concern I started playing Halo 2 at a friend's land party and well it was my first experience playing first person shooter, though not my first time watching the game and I ended up dying over 300 times and killed 2 people total that entire day.... I didn't pick up Halo again until Halo 3 with the burning urge to never again be beat that badly at a game again. I got the game the first day it came out and I became good at Halo 3, not great, but I finally got my hook on becoming a good player. At that point I went back and I played through Halo 1 and Halo 2 and really immersed myself in the series. I spent the next year reading the books and when ODST I played that with a passion as well. When I found out about Recon for the public to wear in Halo 3, but it was only for the elite players, I knew I wasn't the best player, and I didn't have a chance, but I wanted to do it anyways, I wanted to get better at the game and I figured with my friends help I could get Recon. Well my friends who were incredible at the game always blew me off and always said "I'll help you with a Vidmaster tomorrow..." to the point that I knew I would have to do it by myself. With the help of walkthroughs on Youtube, and slowly, but surely becoming better at the game I got Vidmaster after Vidmaster, to the point that the only ones remaining where those that required a group. I would have ended there but I was determined to get through these trials. I went on to Bungie, Random Communities, and Youtube comments searching for people who wanted to also accomplish what I was trying to and with time I finished these final Vidmasters through static microphoned players and people who couldn't even communicate in the same language I finally got my Recon. I wore my Recon helmet proudly after that because it was a symbolic to me in saying "I have really become a fully fledged Halo player" I was proud that I could now hold my own, and even beat those friends of mine who had once shamed me with a 1/150 K/D. And today, I play Reach and always wear my Recon, and while it doesn't have the same effect because it was from a preorder, it brings me back to Halo 3, when it was really something that made me proud of what I had accomplished. Today, I am part of a gaming community I run and I sometimes run those Vidmasters with some of our members who have yet to get them because it takes me back and I enjoy it immensely. I don't know what Halo 4 has in mind for armor customization. I have heard some things but nothing that can be confirmed. I do truly hope, if not plead to 343 studios that they bring back the Recon helmet. I know Halo Reach saw some helmets dropped, not many but some, and while I don't think it would happen with Recon as it is a rather widely used helmet I still don't want to see that happen and if me writing up the question to see it pushed into the next game I want to see that happen. Halo has been the game that I have always returned to and Recon has been my red badge of courage for me in that it has reminded me and keeps showing me that I passed through that stage of being a complete retard at the game, and passed through the doors of being a competent player, and since then I have found people who haven't been great at the game and tried to do my best to really get them involved with the series and become a bit more like me. Recon has meant a lot to me, and I guess I just hope that 343 continues to make the helmet that has meant so much to me continue on into the new game. So to those of you out there who know how to talk to 343 studio members, or know about where recon stands for Halo 4, or are members of those working on making Halo 4, I humbly ask you to remember the Helmet that has meant a lot to this avid fan of the series.