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Posts posted by PH0T0Nman

  1. So this Vid here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6NRPwOZgxs, isa bit of a rant but I think it makes a few good points.


    I live in New Zealand and the match making is still broken. Not because its doesn't work right but because there's only rare certain times you can actually find a match and finding servers outside of Australasian area does not work because of the connection. So whats the point of making a new relic map when I bet you there's a lot of casual players out there that don't know the games been fixed or are trying to sell their games on? Whats the point of a ranking system when there's not enough players for it to work!?


    But don't get me wrong, the campaign is still amazing, I'm still able to sit down with some mates and play a few 1v1 or 2v2 matches and I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that 343i was forced to use that crap cloud based match making system.


    So thank you 343 but you still got some work to do.

  2. So I went ahead and bought the MCC when they announced the awards they were giving out thinking "well they must of nearly fixed whatever everyone was complaining about." Apparently i was wrong. About a month later multiplayer is still broken and its nigh on impossible to find a game in the NZ/AU area anymore as I think most people have just given up, so even if they fix it I'm unsure I'll be able to find any games anyway.


    So yeah, rant over.

    Point of this is; have they announced a fix date yet? As it would be good to know when I can relive the simpler glory days of Halo 1 & Halo 2 Multiplayer.


    Also don't get me wrong. I'm loving the Halo 2 remastered scenes (hope they do the same in halo 5) as well as just replaying Halo 1,2,3 campaigns.

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  3. I believe that the main villian (the leader of the Prometheans)will escape from Requim and that it will turn out that Prometheans are scattered across the universe and are going to help rogue Covanent fire the remaining Halo rings or some other Forerunner weapon that is unknown about at this time.


    Unlikely as the Didact Hated the halos and only used them as a last resort as they had no other choice + Didact likes humans (or did)

  4. sir, read Primordium.


    Guilty spark is alive and while telling his story as Chakas the human he continues to hijack the infinity.


    I don't think that was the Infinity I though it was a stellar class Corvette?

  5. Man, nobody will be left in Halo 6.. Johnson, both Keyes, 343, the list will be extended when halo 5 ends..


    Hate to tell you this but Guilty Spark is still in the works but hes now got a human corvete for a body and numerous human hostages.

  6. I don't think brutes will come back for Halo 4 because currently they're trying to escape extinction at the hands of the Arbiter and shipmaster plus every elite thats not a rebel.


    First and foremost, Didact has a rather significant history involving not only opposition to–but complete and open warfare against–humanity. During the Forerunner-Human Wars, when humanity was vying for new territory as the Flood claimed more and more of their worlds, the Didact led many campaigns against the humans, coming to know them as his enemy. Indeed, this deep seated hatred for the kind that killed many of the soldiers under his command was present even thousands of years after that war had ended, leading to an acute discomfort with having to even share the same vessel with the humans under Bornstellar’s charge. Would it be so hard to imagine a cause arising that allowed this hatred to reemerge?



    Hate to tell you this but the Old Diadact hated the humans while the second one is more open. He even befriended two and saved a huge amount of humans by saving a ring. He even made a human into his A.I. companion to save him (this resulted in the A.i. 343 guilty Spark)

  8. Now are we supposed to think a Spartan can survive his armor hitting the ground at Free Fall, considering his/her weight...when he/she can be killed with a single clip from an assualt rifle? The Kinetic energy here does not add up...then again...better not second guess the science too much. Its not as if Halo is good beacuse it makes sense.

    Your forgetting dear sir that energy shields have the ability to spread kinetic energy (halo ce book... I think) and also the the suits have a pressure system in them which could help.

  9. A hunter could if at a high velocity. Others, what Smokin Shadowz said. Remember, these are still Spartans who can lift ODST pods and flip Tanks. I'm sure they can handle a brute flinging at them.


    ODST Pods are extremely light and extremely easy to break (according to cannon)

  10. If anyone was to read the last book of the forerunners series and Halo: Glasslands they would find out that:

    • Guilty Spark is actually a human from the period right before the forerunners fell.
    • Some original Spartans are still alive along with some spartan 4's (Kelly, Fred, Linda, Lucy, Naomi, Tom, and Ash)
    • Guilty Spark took over a human ship as his body while being interrogated.
    • Humans have gotten hold of a huge host of forerunner technology thanks to the dsyon sphere incident as well as a complying engineer to help them study the new tech
    • Guilty spark is now holding the crew of the ship hostage and is going to the librarian (he knows where she is) to try and restore his friends from millions of years, which are apparently hidden away in the human physic somewhere.

    How do these affect Halo 4:

    • The presence of librarian proves that forerunners are still alive and kicking. And could appear in Halo 4 (edit: at the end of the new E3 video the diaducts symbol appears which suggests hes still around and could be the "ancient evil"though he was quite friendly with humans at one point)
    • The presence of chiefs old allies could affect him emotionally (which is what 343i wants) as he thought they where dead and long gone.
    • Since Guilty spark is around it shows that 343 is not adverse to bringing back a few old enemies and tying the new series back to the old.
    • New forerunner tech means new human weapons :laughing: (I know its confirmed already)

    Please correct me if I'm off or you think I've missed something.

    • Like 4
  11. Ok picked up old favorite halo wars yesterday and got the snot beaten out of me 4 or so times by a guy that pulled 4 scarabs out of somewhere (yes they where from the same colour). Is it possible to increase your population or something by building more barracks or something else?

  12. Realistically a Katana would shatter if a spartan hit another spartan with it. I dislike the Japanese influence in Halo 3 that came with the Hayabusa and Katana, it seemed like a bad idea to me. I understand it somewhat appeals to the fanbase, but I don't think they should be doing things that don't fit into the Halo Universe.


    It is possible that there will be a forerunner melee weapon, possibly a sword, which would take the place of a Katana perfectly in my mind.


    That would be modern day - Future Katanas would be made using titanium or something

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