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  1. To give them a head start..... How about you allow us gamers to choose which region of the world we want to play with. I would wait 5 mins for the right game. I'm on my 360 from my igloo it knocks 5ms of but due to peer to peer adding 500 ms I might return home to the uk.
  2. So let me share the experience that I had tonight with Halo Reach and it's magical matchmaking..... Joined with 3 other friends and we all speedtest.net to London at 25ms or under. We are all on high speed broadband connections no less than 40mb down 10mb up. I selected the good connection option and I select start the search. We even tried it with my language too. The game then decided to put us in with guys from California. Why so far away? Why not wait for someone in Europe to play with. The game constantly matches us up with people the other side of the planet and peer to peer just does not work well at all. I have lived through this with halo 2, halo 3 and now reach. Why make me live through it with halo 4? Is everyone who makes it blind to the facts about the performance. Really is a shame it hear this news.
  3. I just read quotes from a podcast Halo 4 Creative Director Josh Holmes. "Dedicated servers have been a popular requested feature for Halo games but there are no plans for them with Halo 4. 343 Industries says its netcode is “phenomenal” and adding dedicated servers would essentially be extra work at this point. 343 Industries is trying to use matchmaking and other techniques to try and create a level playing field in online matches." Well there you go. I guess it's another few years of 4 out of 5 games suddenly going to yellow or red bars once the game starts. Or too many restarts in big team battles. EA with Battlefield 3 seem to put in the extra work? I have 100mbits down and 10 mbits up Internet connection and it still gives host to people with 3G mobile dongles as I have found out through taking to players. It comes down to money as always and a big joke if a franchise this size cannot do what's been done in the PC space for 20 years with almost flawless results. Don't get me wrong im not here to slag off Halo but seriously it's time for a change. Me and many others are sick of getting robbed by manipulation or inconsistent network performance. But I will obviously buy it just for the story and the new Xbox to play it on.
  4. I can understand for a community the size of Halo this undertaking is massive. But I wouldn't mind paying a bit extra for this option or just follow the same model as battlefield, there are now more paid clan servers than there are EA generics. Very clever EA lol. Hey no lock! I would rather be put into a queue and wait 5 mins for a low latency join servers only option.
  5. Hello all, First off I want to thank the people from Microsoft and Bungie for allowing me to go on the awesome journey that is Halo and I very much look forward to 343i's take moving forward. I like so many others play a ton of Halo online. It's downfall and so many other games like Call of Duty fail due to horrible peer to peer experiences. What would set Halo 4 apart from the competition would be to have a dedicated server platform to play on and for clans to rent servers. For example I can sit all day on a Battlefield 3 server and not see any lag or allow anyone else to disrupt my game playing experience with network manipulation due to the game finding me a local dedicated server to play on. So like so many others I put out the call as this could define the next game Halo4 and push it miles ahead of the competition if we could play Halo on dedicated servers. Thanks Again.
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