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Split Second 01

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Everything posted by Split Second 01

  1. Hey if you guys wanna see some Halo commentaries check out this link and if you enhoy you should subscibe http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL782ED6DB2EBDC19E&feature=edit_ok

    1. Spitfire


      Isn't that advertising?

  2. Hey whats up I was bored so I thought I'd make a clan for Halo Reach. I don't really care about clan battles just want some people to play reach with on the weekends. Their are no real requirements other than -You must be subbed to my channel -Add me on Xbox live -Uh have Halo Reach So just do that if I get a lot of members and you want to have clan battles than sure I'll either find a clan site or have someone else do it for me if you have any questions just ask.
  3. Thanks for the welcome everyone I already love this site I don't mean to ask to much and I don't know if you have yet but could you possibly check out my channel I would REALLY appreciate it and it really makes me happy when you sub thanks guys
  4. Thanks Arbiter guy that's really awesome
  5. About Me! Gamertag: Split Second 01 YouTube: SplitSecond01X Origin of gamer tag: Just thought it sounded cool Previous or current clan/community: None really About Halo! Halo game(s) you are currently playing: Literally every Halo game I love them all Favorite Map: Favorite Gametype: Team Slayer or Big Team battle Least favorite map, gametype and playlist: L.F.M.: I actually don't like most Halo Reach Maps but I love the others L.F.G.: Team Snipers L.F.P.: Still Living Dead. Halo playing style: Go for kills Favorite Halo character: Master Cheef Favorite Halo book: First Strike Favorite Halo quote: "War is hell, and I'm the devil!" - Team Omega, Halo Wars, Combat Chatter. If there is a second one: "School is now in session!" - Sergeant Johnson, Halo: CE Other stuff! Favorite music: Mostly Rap Favorite movie: Any comedy that makes me laugh Favorite TV show: Ones from my child hood Favorite quote: "I can't be blamed for the things I do" Anything else we should know? I am a YouTuber trying his hardest to get noticed if you could sub to me and help me out you'd be my best friend fo-eva http://www.youtube.com/user/SplitSecond01X
  6. Hi I am new to this website and forum and I was wondering if my fellow Halo fans would come check out my videos. I have been on YouTube for a month and I am a Halo commentator so if you guys could come check out my channel that would be awesome here is the link\ http://www.youtube.com/user/SplitSecond01X
  7. I think their will be a Halo Wars 2 if you look it up you can find a 343 article that says they are concentrating on Halo 4 but they coud make it and it would be kinect compatible
  8. If you havn't don't forget to check out my channel http://www.youtube.com/user/SplitSecond01X

    1. Spectral Jester

      Spectral Jester

      checked out and tweeted on the Community Twitter

    2. Split Second 01

      Split Second 01

      Thanx a ton man I REALLY appreciate it

  9. If you havn't don't forget to check out my channel http://www.youtube.com/user/SplitSecond01X

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