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Everything posted by SadOwl

  1. SadOwl

    Armour Abilities

    These are my opinions and should not be taken as fact! Armour Abilities along with other things ruined Halo Reach. I can't believe anyone would have faith in a company willing to try and copy aspects of the worst game in halo history and try and implement them. There should be power ups like invisibility or the overshield still, but they should be there to reward a team or player who knows the time they spawn in at. If your argument is that that gives an unfair advantage to players that play more then let me ask you this. Why is it that so many people would play halo 3 or halo 2 and even though they were doing poorly most games they would continue to play? Doesn't that show that even though there is an apparent "unfairness" people still enjoyed it more? Another thing I would like to address is the people who say that reach must be the better game because it sold more copies. Look at most games who got it right in early games and then messed it up. Cod, Halo, and Starcraft have all sold more copies with their newer games, but the average approval of each game is much less. Just because games are riding on the success of their previous editions does not mean they are better because they sold more copies. The Maps! Oh god, the maps! One of the most important things to have in a game that is largely played for its multiplayer player is good maps. Plain, simple, and symmetric maps are almost all of the favorites if you ask people which maps they liked the most. Finally, if there is BLOOM i will NOT buy your game! Random and stuff. Discuss or ask for clarification on anything if you wish.
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