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Everything posted by Loser

  1. Welcome hope u love it here!!! :bow:
  2. Dam wish i could do that i always have to zoom in on them to snipe them
  3. Welcome to the forums hope u love it here!!!! :bow:
  4. Welcome Hope u love it here!!! :bow:
  5. Welcome to the Forums hope u love it here!!!
  6. Awsome u are rlly awsome at buliding stuff!!
  7. if this is for a clan then keep it in the clan/ recuritment place thingy
  8. i always been a Mass Effect Fan more then Halo so my vote goes for Shepard
  9. Loser


    Welcome to the Forums hope u love it here!!!
  10. Welcome to the forums hope u love it here!!
  11. GrifBall and Firefight also Living Dead always love to play them
  12. Welcome to the Forums hope u love it here!!!
  13. Welcome hope to the formus hope u love it here!!!!
  14. your getting your brain back My guess Ryu
  15. of course my Cooliest Rap Cooliest rap again
  16. Wrong as always Cooliest Rap we takeing this forum back my guess German Shep
  17. Just reached my 200th post thanks to your guys awsome topics
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