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Everything posted by Loser

  1. Welcome Xoker even though i see u around hope u love it here. :thumbsup:
  2. Welcome to the forum hope u love it here. Obey the rules and u will be fine. If u dont then the mods will swin the Mighty Thor upon u. Welcome, Welcome, :thumbsup: ps: i like your pic
  3. Welcome to the forums hope u love it here. Also no spamming in the shoutbox or smilie spamming. If u do the mods will hunt u down. Welcome, Welcome :hi:
  4. @Cooliest Rap :hug: i rember when we were green u are moving up quick. Just keep on driveing foward
  5. Looks sweet! Do u have a link i can download it from.
  6. Thats we all love u Zelda.
  7. May we have a Party for SJ and SkyoWolf?
  8. We alrdy are Cryo and will be forever
  9. I am a Huge Halo fan and yes Zelda. Also a Legend of Zelda fan as well also Sonic the Hedgehog, Nartuo, Mass Effect. i 20 years old who loves anime and videogames. To be continued.....
  10. Welcome to the forums hope u love it here. Also no Halo4 leaks, Spamming smilies, or breaking shoutbox. If u do the mods will swing the mighty Thor on u. Welcome, Welcome, :hi:
  11. Happy Birthday! Dino lover SJ time for u to throw pies at people. You only get 10 pies so choose wisely
  12. Hi V Pwn i seen u all over this place you are a great addition to this site and mod team. We all love u
  13. U moving along quick just keep on posting then u will hit the 1,000th post in no time.
  14. Loser


    Welcome to the forums hope u love it here. Also no Halo 4 leaks or spamming the shoutbox. If u do u will get banned by mods. Welcome, Welcome, :hi:
  15. Good Job! Hippie now its to relax and wait for Halo 4 then u go back and starting racking up body counts :thumbsup: :thumbsup: .
  16. Loser


    Welcome to the forums hope u enjoy it here. Also no spamming smilies or breaking shoutbox. Finally no Halo 4 leaks if you do any of these things u will get banned. Welcome, Welcome, :thumbsup:
  17. Whats brand of Toothpaste do u use?
  18. How do u get that 343iCF sig thingy u have?
  19. Loser

    Arrow here!

    Welcome to the forums hope u love it here. Also no spamming smilies or breaking the shoutbox and finally No Halo 4 leaks. If u do u will get banned by mods. Welcome, Welcome, :thumbsup:
  20. Welcome to the forums hope u love it here. Also dont spam shoutbox or break it. Finally no Halo 4 Leak if u do u will get banned. Welcome, Welcome :thumbsup:
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