Welcome to the forum hope u love it here. Obey the rules and u will be fine. If u dont then the mods will swin the Mighty Thor upon u.
Welcome, Welcome, :thumbsup:
ps: i like your pic
Welcome to the forums hope u love it here. Also no spamming in the shoutbox or smilie spamming. If u do the mods will hunt u down.
Welcome, Welcome :hi:
I am a Huge Halo fan and yes Zelda. Also a Legend of Zelda fan as well also Sonic the Hedgehog, Nartuo, Mass Effect. i 20 years old who loves anime and videogames. To be continued.....
Welcome to the forums hope u love it here. Also no Halo4 leaks, Spamming smilies, or breaking shoutbox. If u do the mods will swing the mighty Thor on u.
Welcome, Welcome, :hi:
Welcome to the forums hope u enjoy it here. Also no spamming smilies or breaking shoutbox. Finally no Halo 4 leaks if you do any of these things u will get banned.
Welcome, Welcome, :thumbsup:
Welcome to the forums hope u love it here. Also no spamming smilies or breaking the shoutbox and finally No Halo 4 leaks. If u do u will get banned by mods.
Welcome, Welcome, :thumbsup:
Welcome to the forums hope u love it here. Also dont spam shoutbox or break it. Finally no Halo 4 Leak if u do u will get banned.
Welcome, Welcome :thumbsup: