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Everything posted by Loser

  1. Do u think MC will ever get married?
  2. Welcome to the forums and hope u enjoy it here. Also fair warning DONT spam smilies in the shoutbox or break it. If u do mods will ban u Welcome, Welcome
  3. Once u hit inheritor we will throw u a awsome well done party on here. Kee it up Hippie
  4. Welcome to the forums and hope u love it here. Also DONT break shoutobx and smilies. Because if u do the mods will ban you. Welcome, Welcome :thumbsup:
  5. Welcome to the forums hope u enjoy it here. Also dont spam smilies or break shoutbox. Welcome, Welcome :thumbsup:
  6. Ty for the heads up i will try to avoid now.
  7. Welcome to the forums! Also dont spam or spam smilie. Finally NO breaking the shoutbox. Welcome, Welcome
  8. Loser


    Welcome to the forums hope u enjoy it here. Also dont spam, spam similes or break shoutbox.
  9. dammit u have super genius powers
  10. It is greater than God and more evil than the devil. The poor have it, the rich need it and if you eat it you'll die. What is it?
  11. if Halo 3 was on pc people would just use mods and hack.
  12. Can u post us a link so we can download it.
  13. Good job master Zero make us proud. Finally Keep on posting!
  14. Welcome to the forums hope u enjoy it. Also dont spam and dont break shoutbox.
  15. Wish u can stay glory i hate seeing people leave. But plz come back
  16. Welcome to the forums hope u enjoy it here. Also dont break the shoutbox or spam.
  17. Welcome to the forums hope u enjoy it here. Also Dont spam or break the shoutbox.
  18. awsome idea i need to go do it right now
  19. Same i will watch the acutally Real ending once i get it and beat it
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