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Everything posted by IG_Reaper

  1. Anniversary maps are great, Before Halo 4 gets here it would be awesome to have some more maps from halo 2 brought to reach.
  2. There's mechs mentioned and shown but they need to be part of the usable arsenal. Only in Halo Wars there usable. Adding usable mechs in the campaign and multiplayer would be amazing for Halo 4. Don't have them slow or fast, give them a decent speed like 20 - 30 miles an hour, 20 being run speed and a boost for the 30 or make it 10 run and 20 boost, whatever works. Also maybe a small customizable, a tank mech, speed mech, artillary etc. Point is 343 this would be awesome, a few other games that have mechs put a great gameplay and a wtf factor when facing them, like Quake wars, Lost planet etc.
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