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Profile Information

  • Location
    ATLAS Inc.
  • Interests
    Chess, strategy, war, swords, martial arts, classical literature, music, composition, painting, digital art, writing, honor, and halo.

Contact Methods

  • Gamertag
    Vi ZERO 99th

ZΞRΘ's Achievements

Prophet of Mercy

Prophet of Mercy (12/19)



  1. Sup bro. How you been?

    1. ZΞRΘ


      Hey bro, I haven't been on in a longgg time. Just came in to check on everything, hooked the Account up to FB, shoot me a message and let me know how you've been.

    2. Cry0G3n1c


      Sup bro. Haven't spoken you in FOREVER lol. How you been?

  2. Hey Ki11a, glad to see you found your way here. I miss those old clan days; best of luck with your gaming endeavors ~ This is Zero from xboxlive btw
  3. "Once more into the fray, into the last good fight I'll ever know. I live and die on this day, I live and die on this day."

    1. Nattei


      wear a jacket, it's cold out.

  4. "Once more into the fray, into the last good fight I'll ever know. I live and die on this day, I live and die on this day."

  5. ZERO Would love to Join GT: Vi ZERO 99th prepare to be added
  6. Sometimes we are only given a few minutes to be with the one we love and a thousand hours to spend just thinking about them.

  7. I am the Empire

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZΞRΘ


      and its a homerun o.o !!!

    3. Fishy


      That was supposed to be a star wars reference...

    4. ZΞRΘ


      I know... I just made an additional reference my friend. ;)

  8. When I die, I want a disease named after me, with symptoms that include "being awesome at everything."

  9. One of the waitresses at the local internet cafe has gone missing. Server not found.

  10. What's the best thing to give your parents for Christmas? A list of everything you want!

    1. DoctorB77


      I want to get my mom an IPAD. I am getting my dad some cologne and something for his phone

    2. One


      An iPad? Eeeeew, should have gotten her the Nexus 7

    3. Yoshi1176
  11. What's the best thing to give your parents for Christmas? A list of everything you want!

  12. Alrighty, I'll meet with you on xboxlive later today "Vi ZERO 99th" send me a message over xboxlive and I will invite you to a game around 11:30 PM Eastern Time.
  13. Great to hear! Contact me on xboxlive for an introduction to the team, "Vi ZERO 99th" I look forward to meetig you.
  14. If you have a mic and want to be a part of a team, then Atlas is the place for you. Just contact me on xboxlive Vi ZERO 99th We are a competitive organization and are looking for good team players and communicator's who are in a game to win but also want to have fun. Hope to hear from you soon. Z
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