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Urban Cowboy 11

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    United Kingdom
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    Halo, Drawing, Driving, Machinima, Rock n Roll, Halo.

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    Urban Cowboy 11

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Jackal (2/19)



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  1. I got booted from games 5 times today because I betrayed people who deserved it, yet when I get betrayed I hardly ever get the option >:(

    1. CandiBunni


      Doesn't matter if they deserved it. You did too. You betrayed them on purpose, so you were rightfully booted.

    2. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      Why would you betray in the first place? It only ruins the game for the rest of the players. Its not right to justify something wrong. It can only get worse. You keep doing it and xbox live will ban you after a certain amount of times. Please take my warning as a friend and play the game correctly. *doesn't mean be a try hard*

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