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Everything posted by SatanicBagels

  1. If you're not an RTS fan then I don't recommend buying Halo Wars. It's not a stellar RTS game to say the least.
  2. Nothing will ever compare to these forums before Halo 4 was released...
  3. It was actually posted on here about a week ago.
  4. Season 1: It seems trivial but I sort of wonder where the series would have started out with a question other than "Do you ever wonder why we're out here?" That set the tone of the entire series and what happened after is classic. Honestly I'm not a fan of the newer seasons. I feel that they left their roots for the worst when they introduced all of the animated stuff.
  5. I wouldn't have bought these simply because I believe that there is better and more reliable ammunition on the market. However abusing Microsoft's copyrights is a pretty foolish thing. Major companies like that aren't to be trifled with.
  6. Team doubles is probably fairly likely to return soon in a playlist rotation. They still haven't rotated MLG, Grifball, and Doubles in. if Team Doubles proves to be a popular choice (population wise) when they rotate it in then they will likely keep it.
  7. That's actually a really important part of objective games. People are all so quick to bash the person who is racking up kills but what that person is doing is keeping the enemy population under control and preventing people from getting the ball or killing the ball carrier. Now if the whole team decided to do this then it might be a problem.
  8. Welcome to the forums Nice video... I think that it really captures that fun factor that puts Halo so far above all of the rest.
  9. Some incredible video editor took the 13 leaked concept art images and animated each one (I don't know how) to make this stunning trailer of Bungie's next game.
  10. Glad I could help to make this site a better place
  11. Congrats on dedicated. You've been lighting the forums up with helpful informative posts and I can't think of someone who deserves grey more than you.
  12. Promethean Jumper: Since the Prometheans don't have any real middle ground in terms of enemies (basically they have weak crawlers and powerful knights) I think that they should introduce one. It would be called the Promethean Jumper and as one might assume it would heavily utilize the ability of Prometheans to teleport from place to place as a way to expand it's lifespan. Whereas the Knights can use the teleport ability but it takes a while to actvate and reappear the Jumper would be able to do this in a far shorter amount of time. They would also have some nifty tricks up there sleeves such as teleporting behind the player for a quick melee, teleporting very frequently on occasion, and teleporting up to unreachable ledges for short periods of time to take away the CQB game of the player. The purpose that they would really serve is to make combat against hordes of Promethean's far more interesting. As opposed to just showing up and killing all of the enemies in a specific order (Crawler > Watcher > Knight) you would have more choices to make during the course of the battle. I think that it would be cool if the Jumpers alternated between close and far range as well. Sometimes they will rush you with the initial Crawler onslaught and try and attack you with quick melees... other times they will sit back with the knights and hold a defensive position. Then they could also teleport between the two roles.
  13. Perhaps give us the option to "toggle" between the Covenant speaking their own language and having them speak the way they did in other Halo's by using the IWHBYD Skull? I think that this would satisfy both sides of the argument.
  14. It literally spits the only information that you need to effectively counter it at your enemies face. It also doesn't have a large enough clip size to to deal with large swarms of people trying to attack one location at once. If you can't take out the Binary Rifle after expending all of your energy and resources to do so then it is your own fault. There have been grossly OP weapons since the beginning of Halo with no really effective way to counter it (aside from letting the user run out of ammo)... The Binary Rifle is not one of them. Also it's hard to consider the Binary Rifle OP when after going through all of the hardships and giving away your position using it, it can only get 6 kills AT BEST... Though this number would more likely get 3-4 kills. i.e --- Not even a killing spree.
  15. Is that so? You'll need to expand upon this one to get a good response... Can't say that I disagree with you here. Though, I find it to be such a trivial little matter that it has no impact on my overall opinion of the game as a whole. No it doesn't have the same customization options as the past but is that really enough reason to bash the game and toss it out. No. Great custom games can still be made, they just take a little bit more effort and creativity. I think that the custom loadouts are fine. What in particular seems broken to you? Yeah 343 industries botched this one really bad. In the long run though it shouldn't be enough to dismiss the game as bad. Both of these problems could likely be from your end. I suggest making sure that your NAT is open and not strict or moderate. If they are then there are some great guides out there to improving in this area. I don't think that they did a great job in this area either. Especially when you look at the main 4 precision weapons (DMR, BR, Carbine, Light Rifle) What problems are you referring to in particular. I have had some issues on maps such as Adrift CTF and Haven but for the most part I thought that the map flow in this game was pretty good considering the implementation of Insta-spawns and AA's that are meant to drag out combat. I kind of find myself agreeing with you on this one. Let's be honest though, you can still play the game for the fun of it. 343 industries has said that they are going to fix this issue really soon (January I believe) and revitalize the file sharing system from the past games with a bunch of cool new features.
  16. My favorite has to be the one where he is leaping from the fisherman's boat to go assassinate someone. I previously was more interested in a World War II type setting but these pictures have really helped to change my mind about that.
  17. http://www.gameinfor...s-to-china.aspx Just saw this on the internet and thought that it was so interesting that I should post it here. A deviant Art user by the name of ChaoyuanXu has produced fantastic fan art for Assassins Creed set in China. How cool would it be if this were the setting of the next game. IMAGES IN SPOILER!!! Here's the link to this talented artists DeviantArt collection: http://chaoyuanxu.de...rt.com/gallery/
  18. Borderlands is pretty incredible. The writing for the whole thing seems really polished and superb. The loot system, though it has it's flaws, adds for nearly infinite replay factor. The environments are diverse and immersive and interesting. The quests are plentiful and challenging at times. There are an abundance of bosses to kill and there is a decent amount of end game content and items to collect. No real downsides to buying this game. Medal of Honor, on the other hand, I'd stay away from.
  19. Anything Half-Life... Hell, anything Valve almost.
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