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Everything posted by SatanicBagels

  1. Has a more fun multi-player experience ever been crafted by a video game company. Perfect map for the perfect game-type. I have had more clutch wins with this setup than in every other video game I've played combined.
  2. Favorite = Regicide: It gets so intense when the you are the king in a close match towards the end. Also it tends to keep everything more even as it's very hard to truly play yourself out of the competition due to the bounty system. In only a week playing I have had many clutch victories that have created fond Halo memories that will last forever. Least Favorite = Oddball: Never really liked it in any Halo game. I find that throwing the ball adds a lot to the strategy of the gametype which is great but doesn't really tip it enough for me. Another problem that I have with oddball as well as KoTH and CTF is that I think that they should be included in the same playlist together. Part of the fun in Team Objective for me is that it's a variety pack. It forces you into a variety of different maps and gametypes which keeps in new and exciting. Wishlist = Action Sack: Halo 4 is a great competitive game... but every once in a while it helps to tease your taste buds with some more casual fun. Flood is great for casual players but it has a tendency to get old and or frustrate the hell out of you. My solution would be to add an action sack playlist with favorites such as Rocket Race, Cat and Mouse, and others.
  3. This thread is simple post your main loadout (others optional) and explain it piece by piece. Why have you built it that way? How effective is it? Hopefully this can help other people when they get around to constructing their loadouts and whatnot. I'll go first. ------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPORT DMR - Since I primarily play BTB it is useful to have a weapon capable of long distance picking off of enemies. It's effectiveness in close quarters situations and in damaging vehicles helps as well. Plasma Pistol - Allows me to EMP enemy vehicles and go in for the hijack. Allows me to support my teammates by being an effective anti-vehicle threat. Plasma Nade - Very effective in taking out ghosts via jumping and throwing or warthogs via sidestep and throwing. Regeneration Field - Allows me to support my teammates via dropping this on them when they are damaged or in a long distance battle. Mobility - Allows me to get across the battlefield quickly. I can get to vehicles quicker as well as pursue enemies more effectively. Ammo - Allows me to go longer without running out of ammo.
  4. Vote to boot worked well in L4D because that was a game with a more mature fanbase (sorry to say but it's true) If they implemented this in Spartan Ops then it would more than likely piss people off. What they really need is a little tidbit of code that detects when somebody is AFK and bans them. From my experience in Spartan Ops though there aren't that many AFK people.
  5. GASP!!! Egad I have lost all respect for you My turn... I'm the batman.
  6. SatanicBagels


    Welcome to the forums
  7. By popular demand!!! Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
  8. Splatter commendation goes something like. 5... 10... 25... 50... 75... I know that because I am also doing it and it is on the last rank.
  9. If somebody in a mantis is able to affect the final outcome of a game by a large sum then your team is not very good sorry to say. The mantis in its best is a defensive vehicle not an assault vehicle. If the opposing team moves their mantis up to far it lacks the mobility to survive for long. It's a large moving target and is largely attractive of enemy fire. Take the two mantises on Ragnarok for example. The mantis is best when moved down by your base unloading suppressing fire upon enemies at the wall the hill and the pelican. If the Mantis was taken up by the hill then it would be subject to a three way attack and go down quickly. So in this regard the Mantis when used correctly shouldn't be putting up a lot of points. Whether it is better than the old Wraith from Valhalla in Halo 3 is an entirely different manner. The inclusion of a Mantis in the map changes it drastically from the banshee being the most powerful threat to a very underwhelming lineup of vehicles.
  10. All I know is that it was funny when they said stuff in Halo 3 and now it's not. Not the best design choice by 343 industries. And the aesthetics of the enemies are pure personal preference. I for one hate them and wish they would go back. Others however like them and want them to stay. Neither opinion is wrong.
  11. Am I the only one that loves this mission. Its great vehicular fun. The trick is to grab the ghost in the beginning of the game because that makes it so much easier. Along the way I also like the high concentration of Hunters and Banshees some of those commendations are actaully going to be possible now. My one concern is how your teammates can blow up your mantis if they decide on being... annoying people. Some of the games I played earlier were about as bad as Minecraft griefing. LOL. What are other peoples thoughts on this mission.
  12. Wasn't the original covenant shotgun the mauler? Yeah this would be very cool but its never going to happen. Maybe someday it will be added in a mod or something like that
  13. Everybody says that the BR is easier to use but in my experience I don't see it. Anything somebody else can do with a BR can be done better with a DMR it seems.
  14. Thank you for all of the great comments you guys. I didn't know this would take off so fast xD
  15. The DMR is way too OP. It's impossible to leave your base on Ragnorak because you're always getting picked off from across the map. Then the DMR outperforms the BR in close to mid range situations as well, meaning that there is no reason to choose the BR over the DMR.
  16. SatanicBagels


    Welcome to the forums
  17. I'm going to go ahead and agree with the OP on this one. There were way to many obvious forced lines and cheesy remarks. Such as that one from Lasky in the Epilouge when he says "Some people think soliders aren't humans... I mean we're just people" (sorry if that wasn't exactly correct). To me it was a line that was obviously forced into the script to try and add more emotion. Then the writers tried to explain a lot of things through dialog that seemed out of flow and forced into the script to explain something. Such as when Cortana is explaining her Rampancy. That should have been done another way somehow, but instead they stopped in the middle of a battle to talk about it. That's not what any logical person in their situation would do. Then the villain wasn't developed nearly as much as he could and should have been. The terminals provided a little more background as to what kind of person he was and is but that shouldn't be required material to understand the story. They could have developed his character as a villain quite a bit more which in turn would have lead to a more climatic ending. Hopefully Spartan Ops can make some major breakthroughs in the story though. It will be interesting to see how they can bridge the gap between Halo 4 and Halo 5 and the effect that has on Halo 5's storytelling. If they do it right we should be able to hop into Halo 5 fully immersed from the get go with tons of background knowledge.
  18. I don't believe that there has been any official release saying that it will. But logic dictates that it probably will. I mean why would 343industries leave out one of its most popular playlists for any extended period of time.
  19. Why would Chief give two flips about protecting stuff that isn't humanity???
  20. Lockout is a must. Though I'm not sure how it would work out with the new Halo 4 features (Probably would be garbage because of instant spawns and sprint)
  21. Yeah when I played this part I though that Rio was making the right decision. Far better to get off of the planet an warn Humanity of the impending danger than to stay there in a condition that the infinity can't "endure another attack like that." Del Rio was in a tough situation where neither choice would have been wrong and he choose the one where he figured would end up better for humanity as a whole. Master Chief shouldn't be punished for disobeying orders though.
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