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Everything posted by SatanicBagels

  1. Everything Half-life. Valve is a true master game company.
  2. 48 years ago President Reagan warned us of basically what is happening in the US today. Romney's policies are the only policies that have a hope of reversing it. Increased government regulations in our current state of events will only make it worse. The US economy is a car going over the edge of a 20,000 foot cliff. Romney will tap on the breaks as we're going over... but President Obama will mash his foot on the gas. Either way 16,000,000,000,000 dollars in debt won't disappear for centuries. (or ever with Obama-policies)
  3. Its an Atlas Shrugged quote. Very good one at that too.
  4. Well every election at least to me seems to be a matter of picking the lesser of two evils. I pick Romney simply because of my opinion that the government is currently way to large. Also I honestly believe that Paul Ryan is the only person with the economic mind to make Social Security pay out to the people who originally grew with it. As for a Obama-care... Government should not have such strong interweaving with healthcare that it is quite basically a government entity.
  5. Those were ten dollars extra though I believe... not 40. Fact of the matter is if a company expects the consumers to put forth extra money for a product then they better plump up the product beforehand. As it stands though the LE has way more in it than your giving it credit for. A nice case (Hence collectable) containing cool [collectible] artwork, pamphlets, and a poster... as well as several armor and skin changes that look interesting at best. To anybody saying that Microsoft is a greedy company. Of course they are. People say that money is the root of all evil... but have they ever asked themselves what is the root of all money.
  6. No Johnson is will not come back... at least in his live human form. It would be cool to introduce him as an AI though.
  7. Meh, forum popularity contest. Everybody who makes these lists generally deserve it, but the real problem is there are many other members that deserve it as well. Congrats all who made it.
  8. 1000 post thread posted in offbeat!

    1. Cooliest


      You made it. I just got to 100 today xD we both win now!

  9. This post marks my 1000th on these forums. I'm not sure how my sub-10-day pace compares with other people. My times so far on these forums have been very fun. I've met friendly and interesting people in the shoutbox... Had great fun watching and taunting trolls in the shoutbox... Enjoyed discussing the development of Halo 4 in the Halo 4 forums... and spent good times in the offbeat section making well thought out posts based on who I think will post next... or counting to 1000 in pictures (lol). My time here has been spent across many forums and topics. I will make an approximation below as to my posting tendacies. Halo 4 related forums - 400 posts Intros/goodbyes - 200 posts Offbeat - 200 posts Other - 150 posts Minecraft - 50 posts ----------------------------------------------------- However, my greatest times on these forums have been because of the members who have made them special. As opposed to doing individual shoutouts I am going to take a little different of an approach. I wish to give one shoutout to all members currently on these forums as well as all of the future members that may join and see this post. One of my goals for remaining somewhat active here despite my goodbye thread was that I wanted to break the 1000 posts barrier. I don't see myself being on much now anymore except maybe to see peoples opinions on Halo 4 for a brief period. With that I think it best to give an official goodbye to the wonderful members of these forums. Hopefully I can make a return later on... but it isn't very likely.
  10. Wait you can still duplicate items via glitch. Diamond black castle... here I come.
  11. To be honest I imagine I'll just get a party full of friends together and have a full out forge war where we try and smash each other's monitors with tanks and have banshee dogfights and stuff.
  12. They are a seperate sub faction. Similar to the way there are many different takes on many main religions in the world today, there are many different opinions in the covenant. Some that cause riffs and conflict.
  13. Very cool. 343industries has really raised the quality of art in this game. The animations are very fluid and lifelike.
  14. Halo 3 is the better quality game in my opinion... but Reach shares many key similarities with Halo 4 it seems, so I would get prepared by playing mostly that.
  15. The smooth look of the map and interesting design drove me to a download. Hopefully it plays as well as it looks. Good job.
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