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Everything posted by SatanicBagels

  1. I think that it is stupid that you can no longer pick up grenades off the ground. Supposedly some people like it because it doesn't allow for massive grenade spamming... but it still seems a little overkill to me.
  2. That's great. Was it a Denial of Service attack by any chance?
  3. Prove to me that you are not figments of my imagination. In other words how do I know that other people really exist.
  4. With the ability to instantly respawn being added in Halo 4, won't that make T-bagging less effective. I mean now they they may or may not be looking when you do it.
  5. Sure. Here you go. http://www.littleenglishhaloblog.com/2012/06/new-halo-4-info-blowout-via-expertzone.html It is on the thread titled "Online Experience." The way I interpreted it was that they were bringing back a clan system.
  6. I have a nice world going with massive areas and mountains for people to enjoy. I would be glad to host if you need, but only on the XBLA version... assuming that people will agree to stay a reasonable distance from the tower's I'm building. What would the date be?
  7. Maybe. With the new clan features that 343industries confirmed to be expanding, there's probably going to be room for a gametype like this.
  8. I do not know. I'm hoping that we will be getting Enchanter Tables and Alchemy for XBLA Edition. I have a wizards tower and a alchemy room all set up in my world and am very interested in getting some new content to expand my world with.
  9. Goodness gracious he didn't do anything disrespectful whatsoever.
  10. If anybody could translate this idea to a machinima I think that It would be insanely epic.
  11. This falls under the category of wishful thinking to me. It would be insanely epic to have this feature but time and money would prevent it from ever happening. Nice idea with some good thought into it, but very unlikely to ever happen.
  12. I think that RedStarRocket91 hit the nail on the head with a massive 50 lb sledgehammer with this one.
  13. Well the OP does have a point in that calling it Limited Edition is stupid. "Limited" to me means that you have to order fast and early to get a copy. "Legendary Edition" or "Mythic Edition" would be more suitable. I do not see the reasoning for the complaint, however. I think that it is a good thing that anybody who wants one can have one. Maybe you decide that you want the extra content and collector's edition casing and everything... but you decide late on in the preordering process. Should you be punished for not being completely sure right out of the gate?
  14. Yes. I reckon that we will. I'm a little concerned with getting the Plasma Pistol right out of the spawn as well too. It is a very, VERY undervalued yet powerful weapon. The ability to stun vehicles and Completely remove shields makes it very valuable in dispatching all types of enemies. I think one of the solutions that people were discussing in my old thread was that the EMP would be weaker, shorter, and possibly would fail every couple times. That would make it effective in a variety of strategies while not being overwhelmingly useful. Very good thread. Liked for spawning a well thought out discussion
  15. They don't have to say that they enjoy playing other Halos more, yes? But many (if not the vast majority) of them do in my experiences playing Halo Reach. And it still doesn't say anything about how comparing current Halo 3 server statistics and current Halo Reach statistics will give you no accurate view on how much people enjoyed the game in any way shape or form.
  16. Well in the forge preview video we saw trait zones where you can edit specific traits and have those traits be specific to a certain designated area. That alone should make for some really interesting custom game options. As far as new traits we haven't seen too much though. Welcome to the site
  17. While driving in 1st person would be very hard... I think it would be pretty cool to shoot from the first person in the passenger seats. Imagine the possibilities. The Renevant and Warthog would instantly become mobile sniping platforms. That would be so fun.
  18. Welcome back guy with the creepy dancing Russian people in signature
  19. I view 3rd person as being much better for driving vehicles than 1st person.
  20. On nooooooo... Looks like you won't be here for the shoutbox's 1 millionth shout. What a shammmmmeeeeee... :troll:
  21. As usual you've included some very nice sniping work. Good work on the video
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