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Everything posted by SatanicBagels

  1. You find the most wonderful news. What is your secret ? My opinion on the map still remains unchanged (I love it), and the new gametype looks to be pretty interesting. Liked If you're referring to the captins hat the one girl had on then I have no idea. lol.
  2. IN B4 Azaxx... This was a very good read Drizzy. I haven't personally participated in any of Undead's tournaments or playdates but they look cool and hope to participate in a few later on. Great Read Drizzy. Congratz on the interview Undead.
  3. Yes, but it was difficult to figure out where that hitbox was because the elite models are much stranger.
  4. Congratz Doctor!!! That's a huge milestone!!!
  5. Thanks for taking the time to put this thread together. I think that 343industries really hit the nail on the head with the system that they conjured up. A system like this that appeals to casual gamers and competetive gamers alike should work out best in the end. Liked.
  6. Very over the top not feasible ideas. Not necessarily saying that they would be bad... However, they aren't able to be added at this point in H4's development and they would probably over-complicate the game mechanics of the games.
  7. Thanks for the news, but there is already a staff made news thread about this in the following link. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/11380-halo-4-limited-edition-console-confirmed/
  8. Dang, you are a news posting machine this morning. Watching the video as I type. Should be good and thank you for posting it. LMAO @ 5:20... Did that warthog spawn on top of him and kill him???
  9. I'm with Biggles on this one. Only types of grenades made available should be frags and plasmas. To go a little further I think that they should largely increase the frequency at which you find plasma grenades.
  10. Please don't post anything this inflammatory again. It doesn't help anything.
  11. I completely agree with you 101% All the major play-lists need to be available in both forms. I don't know what I would do if my BTB is only available in infinity slayer form. Don't get me wrong the direction they are going with the new slayer type is new and refreshing... but I can't see myself playing it very much. Game-types such as SWAT, MLG, and Snipers shouldn't even have any of the new features if you ask me.
  12. While I do think that elites are incredibly ugly, my main reasoning for elites not being in War Games is that their small misplaced heads get annoying when trying to headshot them. While this is in my OP I should've made it the most prevalent reason. I will go back and reword my OP right now since this thread appears to not be dying.
  13. Welcome to the forums Our wonderful little corner of the internet!
  14. Which came first the chicken or the egg???
  15. I thought that 343 industries said that they were not going to be doing any remakes and all the maps would be completely original. Maybe a Zanzibar/Last Resort inspired map but not a remake.
  16. Welcome to the website Glad that your satisfied with the site so far.
  17. Same here. I am a BTB player and it looks to have some really good gameplay from what I have seen. Plus it is the only map I've seen to have a ghost so far.
  18. Haven (used to be wraparound) Here is a link to a halopedia article about the map. Longbow Here is a link to a halopedia article about the map. Adrift Here is a link to a halopedia article about the map.
  19. A very nice video yet again Exclusive. Thanks for posting these they make me laugh.
  20. Thanks for the video Archy. It looks like there are going to be a lot of maps using that same type of color scheme and forerunner design as seen in wraparound. I like it, but I hope the other maps can be something different. Like the jungle enviroment from the E3 video.
  21. Somebody is bitter. With all due respect threads like this don't need comments designed to attract attention of this type and potentially start arguments. Let this thread be about the OP's idea and only about that.
  22. These types of comments get the forums absolutely no where.
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