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Everything posted by SatanicBagels

  1. Grilling stuff out for lunch with my friends and family will always be my favorite part. HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!
  2. The flood are not to be in the Halo 4 campaign... I would imagine they would make an apperance in Spartan Ops and I'd put my money on them being the focus of the Legendary ending. They are one of the most formidible enemies in video game history remember. They won't be forgotten about that easily.
  3. 343industries really needs to tease us just a little with a forge screenshot or something. Just a little bit to show us that they are putting the proper effort into Forge and all. It doesn't even need to be a video or anything. Just a simple screenshot.
  4. I ban the above member for being a stupid dancing grunt. POST #300 FTW.

  6. On this Fourth of July I want to remind our American members of one simple fact. Freedom Is Not Free!!! It has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of American heros across the years. So as you are grilling up some steaks, hamburgers, hot dogs, and corn later on this night, Remember the sacrafice that many have made so that you can live in a country where you can vote for your leaders, say what you want, and do what you want. Happy Fourth of July 343i community! To any service men in the forums, thank you for your service and sacrafice. Please feel free to comment on this thread telling us about your experiences if you wish so that we all may reflect upon them and give you the proper thanks that you deserve.
  7. I loved all of those movies, my favorite from the list was we were soldiers. I would also like to suggest these movies. ~The Godfather 2 ~The Godfather 1 ~Saving Private Ryan ~Friday Night Lights ~The Patriot If your an American I reccomend The Patriot in celebration of our independence this July Fourth. I also reccomend Saving Private Ryan should you have the time. Both movies really put into perspective the sacrafice our countries hero's have made in order to secure our freedom. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE!!! To any servicemen out there. Thank you for your service.
  8. No problem. I'm here to help. I didn't know much about a cryptum either until somebody on this forum explained it to me.
  9. Added to the end of the list! I know many people think that much of this stuff couldn't make it in before Halo 4's release and that's probably correct. If you feel this way then at least note that there is plenty of time before Halo 4's first DLC and such.
  10. Hmm tough choice. I'd have to say a giant muscular hulking mutant grunt/elite/spartan. grunt because I make jokes like one. elite and spartan becasue I am strong and like to smash things to bits. that good enough for you.
  11. I ban the above person for being a stupid dancing grunt.
  12. The very beginning of the intro cutscene of every single Halo game the first time I load it up to play.
  13. I also imagine that he will be on our side. This is based off of everything you said, my knowledge of the forerunners, and the way he said "I have been waiting on this day reclaimer." The way the didact said that seems to me like he thinks that you are on his side.
  14. Oh sorry about the misconception. I thought you meant that they were going to add it to Halo Wars as a mining vehicle.
  15. Campaign is the most important part of the game in my opinion. Then there's the multiplayer. This is second because it doesn't advance the story at all, but it offers endless fun which is very good for videogamers. Then I am interested in Forge. Another part of the game that adds to the replay factor of Halo 4. Finally I am interested in Spartan Ops, but not as much as all the other parts of the game.
  16. I was completely indifferent at first. Never really noticed the difference. Now that I went back and viewed the footage to see what you guys are discussing... I find them to be nice looking. Still I don't really care too much though.
  17. For what logical reasons would a scarab be used as a mining vehicle lol. It has probably the most offensive firepower of any vehicle in the covenant ground arsenal.
  18. SatanicBagels

    MLG on halo 4?

    Yeah, I'm fairly sure that they will include MLG at the release... whether it stays on as a major part of the game I don't know. Halo 4 will at least be competetive and popular enough for MLG to take notice and adopt it as one of their main games.
  19. An entire disc for machinimas seems a little overkill. I'd just hope for better features that make it easier.
  20. I ban the above person for being a stupid dancing grunt.
  21. I ban the player above for having almost 2000 posts but not quite 2000 posts.
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