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Everything posted by SatanicBagels

  1. Ducain runs a youtube channel based on Halo 4 that has over 69,000 subscribers.
  2. Still got some more stuff to do first but I am looking forward to hopping on the Halo 4 playdate later today :)

  3. Honestly guys this is probably just wishful thinking. It wouldn't, at least to me, make a whole lot of sense to take elites out of the game and anger a large part of the fanbase only to add them on later. Either elites will be in the main release or they won't be in at all. Since they weren't in the main release I doubt they will be added. I seem to remember seeing something about a large update being added in April that was being speculated to be a possible Elite addition. Once again that has the makings of extremely wishful thinking... but there is some hope for you elite fans.
  4. I enjoy Simplex and SWAT Shutdown. The other ones I do not really like. Despair and Garrote are a giant cluster-you-know-what... Infinity Slayer Shutdown is an insult to Halo 2...Relay is not only terrible map design, but isn't a community made map... Sycthe is not bad but it really isn't anything special. There have been so many amazing maps crafted in Forge for Halo 4 so far and hundreds of ones that are far superior to the ones in this playlist didn't make the cut for whatever reason.
  5. Just because It's a test playlist doesn't mean you shouldn't expect them to put in good maps. I have enjoyed many (maybe hundreds) of competitive multiplayer maps in Halo 4 custom games so far that vastly exceed the ones we were given in the playlists. Also I'd like to point out that I think a lot of the testing is whether people like the maps or not. I'm sure that most of the maps have already been rigorously tested gameplay wise (Not to say there wouldn't still be kinks to work out). I'm not sure how I feel about how 343i thought they could just take Lockout, a map that played well with H2 mechanics, and expect it to play well in Halo 4. The map is ruined... though I must say that it is pretty good for SWAT. Relay isn't a community map so it's inclusion in this playlist is somewhat not fair to the talented forgers that should have had their map in its place. Considering how bad it plays and is designed I find it to be a downright insult. Simplex I actually enjoy on Infinity Slayer (terrible for CTF) but it's still not even top 25 for forge maps that I have played in custom games. Garrote is not a great map in any sense of high level forging. Dispersion is a decent map though it tends to be a bit of a cluster-you-know-what. I haven't played Sycthe enough to give it a proper review. Though from my initial matches my hope are not very high.
  6. 1. The ranking system is arguably terrible compared to past Halo systems. Generally people like dynamic ranking systems that appropriately represent their skill at the game/ 2. Skipped 2 3. MLG is done as far as Halo goes. 343i has made a deal with Virgin Gaming that forced MLG out. While Virgin Gaming tried to work something out with MLG it never developed completely and for one reason or another MLG has been confirmed to not be coming back. 4. I know a lot of people don't like BTB because of the lack of maps. This is generally true as you only really play Ragnarok and Exile except on rare occasions. Ragnarok was always met with mixed feelings. The gameplay mechanics of Halo 4 seem to suggest long range DMR battles over the diverse vehicular warfare and tactical gameplay of Halo 3's Valhalla. Exile is considered to be the best map and it is pretty good (IMO) but it has a tendency to get repetitive at times. 5. You are correct on this one... though it is debatable as to what 343i served to accomplish by leaving it out these past two months. I'm not trying to argue... I just want to show why some people (myself included) aren't super satisfied with the job that 343i did on Halo. EDIT: Going back and reading some of the previous posts I've felt the need to add this little tidbit in here. If you look at the pure population numbers of who is still playing that was playing at launch... Halo 4 is not only not doing well, but it is doing terrible (compared to other Halos)... Basically what I am getting at is I don't see how that can be used as an argument.
  7. Not to say that I much desire another Hayabusa armor, but this is a pretty nice find SpartanKL. The best part about it to me is those shoulders. 0.o
  8. This is truly a remarkable thing that Bungie did for this kid.
  9. :3 I was only freaking out because GSD grabbed the sniper.
  10. I've just got a few games on in the forge test playlist and I am very impressed. The maps added are far superior to the stuff that was introduced in Halo Reach. My favorite two maps would have to be Simplex and Shutout. Shutout is probably the most faithful remake of Lockout that I have seen yet and it plays very well for SWAT. Anybody who loved Lockout in Halo 3 will love Shutout. Simplex is a great little arena style map. I love how they have the Railgun on the map as one of the main power weapons. It is such a fun gun to use and really is quite the powerhouse on this map. In addition the Overshield in the middle works with the map perfectly.
  11. Since the release of Halo 4 I have almost exclusively used the Jetpack in my loadouts for an Armor Ability. After months of pretty solid gaming I feel that I am qualified to share some of the tricks of the trade. There are a few tricks that I have piked up that can be beneficial when used correctly. Haven: This one is possibly the most useful one I know. It is very situation dependent however. 1. You can tap the Left Bumper a few times to sail just over the centerpiece for the middle platform when launching yourself out of the gravity lift. This is especially useful when you have to seek cover from opponents using the same gravity lift or in the general area that you are launching too. 2. When going into the same gravity lifts you can mash the left bumper until the AA meter is empty to send your player sailing hundreds of feet into the sky. So high that you can make yourself relatively hard to headshot and give yourself a birds eye view of the map below. In most situations though, doing this will make you an easy target and your opponents will kill you quickly. Adrift: These ones are good for the objective gametypes as they also employ gravity lifts entering the main two bases. 1. If you go through the gravity lift entering a base there is a little trick to be able to quickly bound yourself up to the area that the flag is in. This is useful in tight games as it allows you to access the flag while bypassing the potential fighting down below. The trick is to go into the lift... then as soon as you make contact with the ground you should jump immediately and then tap your jet pack. Once you get the hang of it you can do it pretty easily. 2. When entering opposing teams bases on Adrift it is pretty common practice to wait at the end of the lift with a boltshot. There is a simple trick to fool your enemies though. When you enter the lift just mash the trigger enough to keep out of range of the boltshotter. Watch as he helplessly expends his blast and then DMR him. Ragnarok: 1. Tapping strategically on the trigger when going out of either of the base mancannons can greatly expand your launching range. As a matter of fact, once you get really used to it you can easily clear 3/4 of the map. Great of some objective gametypes.
  12. I meant bottomless clip fully automatic gauss cannon suppressor.
  13. The trick is to play like a little "you-know-what". I haven't gotten any in Halo 4 yet as I have a guns blazing style of play. If you just hang back behind a cushion of teammates and withdraw yourself from the battles that you are losing then it isn't really that insanely difficult. One thing I will say is that if you are interested in getting perfections for the armor piece... the armor that you get for it is garbage. It's basically a bland wrist-piece.
  14. http://www.gamespot.com/halo-4/videos/halo-4-spartan-ops-episode-6-chapter-4-developer-commentary-6402661/ I know that everybody will be able to play this pretty soon anyway but I just thought that it would be cool to put this up as some people might be interested to get a little sneak peek of this level before hand. Enjoy
  15. I also just edited in the confirmed map names. Can't wait to try these out tomorrow.
  16. As many of you probably already know 343i has announced that they will be adding a new playlist tomorrow called the Forge Map Test. This playlist will be the first community creation driven playlist added to Halo 4. It will include 6 forge maps and should be just what 343i needs to revitalize MM. I just thought that it might be useful to post this thread where people can discuss the maps after getting a few matches in on them and maybe even possibly post some constructive criticism. Here are some of the pictures of the maps being added. I do not know anything else about them. SOURCE: http://www.examiner.com/article/halo-4-community-playlist-detailed-for-monday-s-release Some interesting looking designs in there. Fire away.
  17. It did play out peacefully Honestly why would they have the right to claim the warthog and kick one gunner out for another. It's all just a game and in the long run what does it really matter who's gunning. You could have decided to stay in the gunner position or you could have got out and did something else. Neither of which would have put you in the wrong.
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