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Everything posted by INACTIVE

  1. Are either of your clans recruiting? I've been looking for a clan for a while. If you are do you accept elites?
  2. Pre-ordering Halo 4 soon. Can't wait!

  3. Can we write about our elite characters as well?
  4. I've been looking around for clans too, but i haven't had any luck finding one that is the way i want.
  5. Way to think positive Theo. If Halo 4 follows in the tracks of previous Halo games then ya its going to get GOTY.
  6. there you go now you have a title
  7. Did you know that all the Halo fact in this thread is causing my head to explode! (In a good way.. don't worry so much)
  8. Walrus, because they are so funny to look at Would you rather have Falcons return or Hornets in Halo 4
  9. I'm only playing on the weekends but if you want someone to forge with on the weekends feel free to send me a freind request. (or invite while i'm on) My GT is Reaper2148
  10. IMO weapon skins would be an awesome addition to Halo
  11. @SweatyBagels Those all are are very interesting thing that I would very much like to see added. The storyline is very good to I hope that 343 does a good job at continuing the legacy that Bungie left them.
  12. Ya everything you said is or will be true. But back on topic what are you most exited for?
  13. I would like to have Driveable cyclopes like the one seen in Warhouse. those would be fun
  14. I've always wondered why so many people refuse to accept change. Some changes are necessary and good but people still find something to complain about. But I was talking more about things in the game not about the people who will be proven wrong upon its release.
  15. That was my favorite game for the original X-BOX. In fact I still play it because of how fun the galactic conquest mode is. OT: If 343 were to implement this form of space battle it would be amazing. It would also give them motive to put in flyable Pelican.
  16. Splatter, Trusty Rusty, and Dirty were my favorites just because they give the gun character
  17. What about Halo 4 are you the most excited about? For me it would have to be all of the possibilities for Forge. So many new things could and will be added, it makes the possible map creations virtually endless. I'm very excited to see what 343 does with it. And the possibility of new, bigger vehicles is pretty interesting.
  18. Hahaha how can you say it has nothing to do with halo while theres a statue of a sparten holdind an AR in your back yard.
  19. Is this a poem or something? Its well worded but slightly strange. Nothing wrong with being a little strange though. :crazy:
  20. I haven't pre-ordered yet but i plan to soon. OT: ya this is very old news to most people.
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