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Everything posted by INACTIVE

  1. A good fight that I would very much enjoy seeing
  2. Oh, i didn't mean Master Chief himself. I was just saying a normal spartan not the best spartan. of course if it was Master Chief he would win very easily
  3. Thats what I told my friend but then he brought up the point that batman's reflexes (even though not as well tuned as a spartans) are very, very good. If you have ever seen any gamplay from arkham city (according to him) this is clearly demonstrated. I personally have never played it but i took his word for it.
  4. Ok, I read the details of the other thread and, yes, their similar but what I proposed is different in that it is strictly hand to hand combat in an arena that neither side had the homefield advantage.
  5. Me and one of my XBL friends were talking about who we thought would win in a fight Batman or a spartan. The rules or the fight are: 1. neither side can use weapons (guns, Bat-a-rangs(if thats how you spell it?), grenades, and so on. 2. the spartan isn't wearing his/her armor he/she only has the super soldier enhancments 3. no outside help (mac stations, robin(lol), etc.)
  6. Trying to contain my excitment for Halo 4's release... Its not working

  7. Ya i've been playing Halo since Combat Evolved came out and people have wanted to have flyable pelicans since but they would be less efective than you think since even the biggest lobbies can only have 16 people (8v8) while a single pelican could carry both teams


    I had something similar to that happen to me only it was invasion slayer. I was the only person left on me team vs the full other team. In the end the other team ended up betraying eachother for no reason until there were only like 3 or 4 left. All people who were left had a dance party in a cave on Hemmorage.
  9. My saved maps are nearing the 80's so i do have space left i just don't want to delete these maps without them ever being used. I had actually planned on putting it in the forge world sections but none of the seemed to fit this type of thread so I made it in a more genaric section.
  10. Thats the theme for Gears of War 2 and ya it does fit the trailer great. Looks like it'll be great
  11. I have a bunch of forge maps that aren't being used and probably never will so if anyone out there needs maps for basic slayer or other gametypes I have an abundance of them that that will end up getting deleted otherwise. I'd really hate to delete them, after all it took me hours to make them, but there starting to build up and I'm going to need room for more maps. So tell me what gametype you need a map for and I'll put it in my fileshare this weekend so you can check it out.
  12. Commander. About half way to Grade 2.
  13. Have elites been confirmed as playable in custom games and forge or are they non-playable in every game mode?
  14. Thanks. Can't wait for Halo 4
  15. I just want to know all the things that are 100% confirmed to be in Halo 4. Post facts only not rumors or speculation.

    Armor Skins

    Have armor skins been confirmed or is this just an idea? I think it would be cool if custom armor decals were added so you could place your emblem where ever you wan't on you spartan.
  17. If i'm unable to find a clan that is primarily elites then i will consider joining but i'm going to keep looking for a clan that suits my preferences.
  18. Do you have many Elite members or will I be the black sheep of the group?
  19. Is the Onyx Empire only spartans or ar elites welcome to join as well?
  20. I've never been in a clan of any kind before so I thought I would try it out. I would prefer to be in an all elite clan but if none are recruiting then i suppose a spartan clan would work. I'm good at forging and average at most forms of multiplayer. My Halo: reach rank is Commander. P.S. I will most likely only be on XBL on the weekends due to school so if that is a problem let me know.


    Hey, im new to the forum just thought that i should introduce myself and meet some current members. This is also the first forum i have ever posted on so im also new to the world of forums so any tips would be helpful.
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