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01-171 Abased Eidolon

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Everything posted by 01-171 Abased Eidolon

  1. I have no idea how the creature in the drawing/picture started getting called a Precursor. I don't think I saw the video the images were cut from, so maybe I'm missing something? Anyways what got me going on this is that Halopedia(I guess now known as Halo Nation?) has that image on the page about the Precursors. Even though the thing in the "Concept Art" goes against everything (albeit little) we know about how the Precursors look. Also I just thought of something that could support my Forerunner seeker speculation. We know that in the map Warehouse(?) there is a UNsC Mech suit being manufactured in the center of the map. Maybe there's a possibility that it might come into play somehow in the campaign. If we are able to drive Mech suits at some point it would make sense that we would end up fighting similar vehicles like Forerunner seekers. And if not in Halo 4 then maybe Halo 5 Also I apologize for uncapitalized s's! My "s" Key broke a while ago on my laptop and I actually have to use Ctrl+V to type an "s". so at times I am unable to have capital s's ):
  2. Greetings! Not sure how many people know about this or if this has already been debated to death, but I haven't seen anything here about the topic. Hence, I decided to join and start this Topic! Anyways, onto the subject at hand. Hopefully some of you have seen the so-called "Precursor Concept Art" If not it can be found here Now, while it's true we know next to nothing about the Precursors themselves and it's noticeably too early to start claiming things this or that. I find myself having to disagree with calling this "Concept Art" a Precursor. For a few reasons. [Please note that parts of the following are purely speculative on my part] To be honest I don't know the origins of this drawing/picture or who decided that it was in fact "Precursor", but going off of current knowledge (however little it is) we can say that this is not how Precursors are "supposed" to look. I'm using supposed very lightly here. In fact Precursors are "supposed" to have four upper limbs and an arthropod-ish head with a tail coming out the back. The thing in the picture does not depict any of that anatomy(?) and looks mechanical, but I'm getting slightly ahead of myself. We know this small bit of Precursor info thanks to the new books. [spoiler warning] In the book Halo: Cryptum there is a character called "Prisoner of Charum Hakkor" and it is implied that this prisoner is in fact the last surviving Precursor, and all others were killed off in the Forerunner-Precursor war. [spoiler ends] This also leads me to believe that the Precursors will NOT be the "ancient evil" that we will be fighting in Halo 4, and I feel the whole thing with Aurora Cygnus somewhat supports my "theory". If you want to call it that. As the AC story-arc(?) shows it being taken over by some mysterious A.I. that I feel to be very similar to our old friend Mendicant Bias, but with the intent of exacting revenge instead of repenting for misdeeds. And now this brings me back to the "Concept Art". As I mentioned earlier it looks mechanical and resembles some of the other Forerunner Constructs (such as sentinels and monitors). By that I mean the materials it is made of (that light-grey metal that Forerunners are so fond of) and the singular "light/eye". With that in mind I believe this is "Concept Art" of either a Forerunner seeker mech-suit or possibly a Forerunner War sphinx, which is also a mech-suit but is outdated. so I'm leaning towards it being a seeker. And the red "light/eye" potentially means that it is hostile thanks to manipulation by that mysterious A.I. And if that A.I. is not the "Ancient Evil" and main enemy then I believe that it will be one of the possible enemies along with the new sect of Covenant. That's the majority of my thoughts on this subject! If you read through it, thanks! And hopefully it wasn't too much of a jumbled up mess or anything! Any feedback is appreciated and I would like to hear your guys' thoughts on it! Thanks again!
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