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Everything posted by zach113

  2. Well its something I intend to do when numbers are not an issue,
  3. Sierra Echo, is essentially just a shortened version of an incredibly long clan name First Spartan Elite regiment blah blah blah blah using the Nato Phonetic language system We have a nice organized military like structure, If this doesn't interest you, we're mostly a clan for game completion, replaying, SWAT, Invasion, mostly team based gameplay, all Halo reach, if joining interests you, send me a private message. If you like campaign, and can never find people to pull all nighters to play legendary campaign in one play through, then this clan is for you, if you also like to trash talk, play intensely, always go for the win, and go down fighting if your loosing, this clan is definitely for you EDIT: Also, After I get a few teams formed, (teams go from 4-6-8 players) we'll start clan battles. The team system, is a training and clan battle team system, that Fights certain battles for Sierra Echo, and they are named using the Nato Phonetic Alphabet, Ex. Echo team(Its my 6 man team, with 2 spares, Clan rank requirement to be even considered for testing for the role off spares, you need to be a lieutenant Colonel. Ex. Sierra Team (Same as Above, Not my team however) Ex. Delta Team(A six man team from Lt.Col to First Lieutenant) so on and so. Merely to say to form a sort've brotherly bond, your always Fighting with the same people. and normally promoted at the same time, if not within close proximity, So yes, there is clan battles, really soon
  4. zach113


    My name is Zach, Definitely not new to halo, or forums related to halo, I lead a clan, I tend to play halo a lot more than everyone would like me too, because of its addictive qualities I'm not a fat gamer, they are very rare nowadays, thanks to advances in medical sciences I'm Canadian, and Seventeen, wish I could stay Seventeen forever, because being seven sucks, and seventeen is the only number that has seven in it, that begins with seven, big seven fan, courtesy of halo and bungie
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