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N@han FloreZ

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Everything posted by N@han FloreZ

  1. Halo 4: Forward unto Dawn - Episode 5 After a terrifying night of combat and loss, Lasky makes a life-or-death decision to help the Master Chief... but will it be enough to save them all from the Covenant? Video Page
  2. My favorite part is when Sully says "its locked" and MCs just punches a hole right through. I bet if you could see his face, he would be rolling his eyes.
  3. Master Chiefs so awesome he doesnt even have to reload his pistol
  4. I cant wait till we see elites up close! And it would be awesome if a grunt showed up, running around, getting shot, saying cowardly and unnecessary things.
  5. The only thing that sucks about this show is that I have to wait a whole week! until the next episode come out
  6. Its cool that these halo characters can take off their helmets but the ones in the games never can
  7. OK so no one actually posted the video, i guess i'll have to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbBYG77VeCE&feature=BFa&list=SPAE1F854F00D8E6AC Dima deserved it
  8. Well did you know that the UNSC uses lead sandwiches as ammo and actually shoots the seemingly harmless sandwiches into their enemies mouths so they slowly die from lead poisoning. This strategy is especially effective on grunts since they work minimum wage and cannot feed their families. Still male grunts are known to be pretty big deutschebags so the fattys just eat the sandwiches all by themselves. Of course those greedy ******** die. The strategy is harder with elites and for years our best experts have been scouring halopedia trying to find out what those freaky aliens eat so they'll take a bite of our sandwiches. We have found a solution to this though, we started rumors that the sandwiches were made of brute meat (no brutes were actually harmed in the making of these sandwiches, it was imitation). Anyway once the elites heard this, they went crazy and bought all our sandwiches. But something strange happened, the elites died almost instantly and thats weird since lead poisoning takes a while to take effect, anyway, it turned out that imitation brute meat tastes just as bad as the real thing. Go figure. AND THATS HOW WE WON THE WAR
  9. When noobs try to rape me with their rockets It makes me so mad, It makes me feel bad Those 12 year olds better run when I hit the gas I got a new plan ITS CALL ME MAYBE! DIRTBAG! - <3 Sarge Red vs. Blue
  10. The old man went back to find his lost weapon
  11. Anyone know if the series is in spanish? Lil cousin wants to watch it and hes from the home country (Mexico). MC would sound awesome speaking spanish and wearing a mustache....
  12. Frank got fired from 343 and became a futuristic janitor? You would think that they would have cured baldness in 500 years.
  13. Pretty sure lasky's brother is not a spartan, he knows who his mom is.
  14. Me: Hey Girl named Marijuana: hi, are you jealous of my bunny tatto? (shows me her "bunny" tatoo) Me: I'm so jealous,... but maybe you should put your shirt back on?
  15. Do you think that the FUD DVD will be like a normal DVD with special features, deleted scenes, and all that other good junk? I REALLY want to see a short documentary of MC's suit. Thats going on the Christmas list.
  16. Its so cool that the Halo universe has stuff from the real world, maybe one day the opposite will be true too.
  17. Wish I had cryo sleep... that way I would be able to just sleep for a week and wake up and TA DA! NEW HALO FUD VIDEO!
  18. Well dont know about making an official halo book but you could start by writing fan-fiction, gaining experience, getting feedback, the whole thing. If your good enouph you can eventually move on to something bigger if thats your dream.
  19. Whatever his face looks like its going to be epic. Halo 6 is going to be the most EPIC game, of all time.
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