wut r bookz? Sorry no ablo ingles
WYR watch 3 days of nonstop cheesy anime or go through a day of shoppping at the most boring stores possible like Ross or K-Mart or... Build-a-Bear ugh... gives me chills just thinking about it
TPAM freaks me out because she/he is a psychic, but psychics who happen to be ponys are AWESOME!
TPBM just watched this video!
This is a screenshot from the Halo 4 campaign. If you look at the top left hand corner you can see that a transmission is about to come through from Thomas Lasky, the protagonist in FUD. Well hopefully once the series comes out well find out what the characters role is going to be in Halo 4.
Im not trying to be offensive but is that marine black? I mean, sarge. Johnson was the only black guy in the halo series so are they replacing him? OR he could be Johnson's son. just an idea
For me it would have to be the grunts, they just say the funniest things, sometimes when im playing halo i dont know whether to shoot them or pat them on the head and give them candy
four spartans have to blow up a planet because it is evil. Like any stereotypical sci-fi movie, they fight through layers and layers of enemies then drill to the core and blow the planet from the INSIDE!!! Or they could rent the death star