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Everything posted by Armed

  1. Hello there, Im new as well haha but Everyone around here is pretty chill Anyways Nice to meet you Hippie now ima head to bed on a good note -Mat
  2. Armed

    Hi I'm Armed

    Thanks Everyone, i appreciate it and hahahah Im Armed XD Edit: And you all will see me around when i can be.
  3. Halo 4, and Armed (The Game), Hanging out with Undead

  4. My names Mat, I'm a indie game designer. I love art, and enjoy playing Xbox , my gamertag is "Mat Warner" if you wanna play anything relative to Halo just Message me. I'm also good friends with Undead in person:) Ill do my best to stay activate, and hope to meet a bunch of new friends on here and on Xbox, i hope when halo 4 comes out we all can party up:). If you wanna know anything i did't mention just ask.
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