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  • Location
    Winnipeg City
  • Interests
    I love animating and gaming

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    Predalian FIVE

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Brute Chieftain

Brute Chieftain (6/19)



  1. This pose actually would be nice to have. I'm sure like me, Many of you have had this glitch pose thingy. I wonder how it'd be unlocked though... I think it'd be interesting. Community question: Would you like this pose?
  2. Predalian5


    I thought this was going to be another "I hate Halo 4, It's not what it used to be"
  3. Play Dominion like I do. 75% of the maps spawn all the three weapons needed for Forunner ordnance all the time. And because of it I'm already almost done.
  4. Complaining about rank? Oh... So you're one of those people... Well. When I reach full level, I'll work my *** off on getting all the commendations. That should keep me occupied for a few years.
  5. It appears you get an armor for playing Dominion. While I've played mostly only that and redicide, I wonder. Do all the other gametypes have armor's for playing them?
  6. Is 343 going to be like other Gaming companies and just give away to so called "Exclusive" stuff? Or keep it for those who went though the trouble of pre ordering? Or even stuff like Specializations and the FOTUS armor?
  7. If the Kill cam is fixed, Then I'll have nothing to complain about
  8. I just got off the phone with Xbox support. They say that codes are still being emailed. They also said they don't know where people got the impression that everyone should have them by December 1st originated, but they mainly said that everyone should definitely receive them by Tuesday at the latest. They are continuing to be sent throughout the weekend, and into the start of the week. If you do not receive a code by Tuesday, they suggest calling again. So if you haven't received a code yet... evidently at least... there is hope. Peace.
  9. As ridiculous as this sound I have no idea how to put on my forest skin... Can anyone tell my how to put it on?
  10. Does Canada get some love? or nay? I've got NOTHING!
  11. That's the Fotus armor... The one EVERYONE wants? How could people want that? I mean... WTF!!
  12. So wait, How are we getting the specializations? I WANT!! But IDK how we're supposed to get it. All I can really say is I've gotten nothing yet
  13. I tend to think of the Raider helmet as the reincarnation of the Hayabusa helmet.
  14. I am currently trying to unlock that WiseGuy emblem and stuff. I found all the terminals and I still can't unlock it. All it tells me it "Pay attention to the Cryptum video"... Can someone tell me what the hell that is and where to find it?
  15. Predalian5

    Mountain DewXP?

    Did you sign in on your X Box account? Sign in with FaceBook, Then on the top right corner click dashboard. Then it will tell you how much matches you have. On the top left you will see "Sign in" with the X Box Logo. Sign in with the Email your Gamertag uses. After that press redeem. If that doesn't work then I don't know what you can do.
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