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iTz Vplus2

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Everything posted by iTz Vplus2

  1. http://www.g4tv.com/videos/60888/the-art-of-borderlands-2-with-jeramy-cooke-scott-kester/ Borderlands 2 has an unique style Everyone who ever played the game or even just looked at a screenshot knows this. It's already been this way in the first game. If you want to know in what way Borderlands 2 looks different compared to its predecessor And what they were thinking when they designed the game Watch the video above And don't forget: Every dumb thing they thought of made it into the game Source: g4tv
  2. I hope so, because that would make it even more epic than it already is.
  3. Then no. That announcer has been the same in pretty much every Halo game. And i don't know what footage you've been watching, but the announcer in Halo 4 War Games is still the same as in previous games.
  4. That's awesome. I do hope that the flood will have more flood-like features, not just the look and the claw
  5. What? Anyways, SAW Slayer would not be something i'd want to play because it would only be spray-n-pray all day, so what's the point? If there's ever an Action Sack playlist in Halo 4, maybe SAW Slayer would be a good addition there, but not anywhere else
  6. Thanks, Mayh3m And good luck to whoever is aiming to grab the last one
  7. Hey there, i don't know if we've met before, but it's always good to see someone returning, so welcome back
  8. True. There are so many people, myself included, who originally bought an Xbox 360 just for Halo
  9. Well, taking a look at Reach's customization would probably give you an idea. I don't think you need to worry about anything, there will be tons of customization options.
  10. What are you talking about, Wes? On the left one, you can still clearly see a belly button. Might want to look at the pictures you post for more than one second before you make claims. Other than that, i really like the new look of the elites and i really don't care if they have belly buttons or not.
  11. You built that gun? Wow, that is absolutely amazing Welcome to the forum!
  12. Those are some intense sounds. I especially like the new sound of the Needler
  13. This is the 343i Community Forum, there are no 343i officials on here You may want to visit their official site
  14. Bad graphics, a simple level, an even simpler task and the Slenderman Combine these few ingredients, and you get one of the most popular indie games on youtube right now. And since a game this simple is already this popular, of course it makes all sense in the world for developer Parsec Productions to release a sequel. To do this, they got together with Blue Isle Studios. The new game will be called Slender: The Arrival. And i can tell you right now that the first thing you'll notice about this game will be the highly improved graphics that you can also see in the pictures at the bottom of this post. Improved graphics isn't the only new feature though, the new game is also said to have additional levels and even its own storyline A release date has not been announced yet - The game is only said to be released within the coming months Source: IGN View full article
  15. Bad graphics, a simple level, an even simpler task and the Slenderman Combine these few ingredients, and you get one of the most popular indie games on youtube right now. And since a game this simple is already this popular, of course it makes all sense in the world for developer Parsec Productions to release a sequel. To do this, they got together with Blue Isle Studios. The new game will be called Slender: The Arrival. And i can tell you right now that the first thing you'll notice about this game will be the highly improved graphics that you can also see in the pictures at the bottom of this post. Improved graphics isn't the only new feature though, the new game is also said to have additional levels and even its own storyline A release date has not been announced yet - The game is only said to be released within the coming months Source: IGN
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