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Hunter (4/19)



  1. So these pre-order armors are not available on the regular version right? Even when you rank up you can't make it? I guess they will be on DLC. Im going to beat the campaign on Legendary just like I did with Halo Reach and that took me about 24 hours total.
  2. I hope there is at least 5 different terrain types. 1. Grasslands 2. Snow 3. Desert 4. Moon like rockland 5. Something inside a building
  3. There is only 1 limited edition right? I have seen it called collectors edition on some sites. I guess it is the same thing. I just per-ordered it today and it is worth it, anything limited edition of a game that makes you look unique in multiplayer is always worth it. http://community.futureshop.ca/t5/Tech-Blog/Halo-4-Limited-Edition-Available-Now-For-Pre-order-Future-Shop/ba-p/364826 They sure are packing a lot of extra things with this one. Anyone get an extra armor skin for their pre-order bonus? Future Shop Exclusive Steelbook and FREE customizable multiplayer Spartan IV Gungnir Armor skin and helmet with pre-order! Mine came with that.
  4. I know they have some Moon like rock terrain and grasslands but I Snow/s Mars like Terrain and something else would be great. So does anyone know how many different terrain types there will be?
  5. If Im not mistaken, Halo 3 had around 24 maps. Halo 4 will have 9 maps at launch +3 maps in 3 different maps packs for a total of 18 maps, that is pathetic. 3 maps per map pack is such a rip off, each map pack should have 5 maps. I am really dissapointed, Halo Reach had around 20 maps.
  6. I am such a fool! My xbox account has been on automatic sign in for years, I don't know the password or secret answer and have no way of getting it back, I accidently put it on require password to sign in! Now I can never play Gears 3 or Halo Reach on live again using that account. Meh, I guess its not that bad, You can rank up sort of quick in Gears 3 and Halo 4 is coming out soon. I can just say in my profile that I have more points on my other account.
  7. Due to a problem that I don't wanna get into (has nothing to do with being banned), I can't get on my main Xbox live account online anymore. I was wondering if you could transfer you're progress in Halo Reach to another account. I found the answer to this but do you people think this would work? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101201124701AAwtLAW
  8. Is something wrong with that stats? It is 6 46 pm Eastern Time and it still says 23,534 players are online , what is wrong?
  9. I wanted to see what % of people have certain ranks in Halo Reach, like each rank with a % of the community who hold that rank. I would say 40% are private-brigadeer, 30% are General to Legend and 30% are 1 rank above Legend and up.
  10. I have never seen this few people playing Halo Reach before. It is usually at 60,000-90,000 24/7, why is there only 23,545 people playing now? I really like playing squad dlc and that is almost unplayable right now because only 36 people are playing it, that is usually at 200-280 people playing.
  11. Don't play Reach much? Well 2 hours a day is enough for me playing it all at once, I have logged about 370 hours on the game. So this is a weekly challenge for sure then?
  12. How do you know it is a weekly challenge? I don't see anything indicating it is a weekly challenge ingame.
  13. Like the title says, is this challenge only for one day? I usually play Halo Reach for 2 hours in one session and once a day so I don't think I will get this challenge. You need 300 kills with precision weapons.
  14. Halo Reach also needs some new multiplayer modes, they have that Spartan Ops which is great and innovative but its needs something more! What is happening with Forge? Are there any details on it ? I think they need a full fledged map Editor, Various terrain like Snow, Tropical, Desert, Mars Looking Terrain, Wasteland and the Grassland. Additional features like the ability to add custom looking structures, not like the bland block structures in Halo Reach, anything from houses to shopping malls, maps could be in a grocery store. Anything new and different. It would be impossible to create this on 360, it would be better if they released a map editor for the computer with the ability to transfer your maps via usb to the 360. So what are the details on forge? It better be improved with new terrain and structures at least if a map editor is not released on PC. They should also have a Forge playlist, in Reach most of the player made maps are not in multiplayer playlists so it would be good if they had a Forge only playlist with the most popular player made maps being playable in other playlists. I think they also need a new big team battle mode, one like Battlefield 3's Conquest mode where you capture positions. 12 vs 12 at least. But what official is there on the competitive multiplayer? It does not seem like there are any new game modes.
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