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Jackal (2/19)



  1. They just took out one of the most fun things to do in Halo for some of the offline players like me. I have a dad who thinks XBL is just a waste of money so my life in the Xbox world will be always very boring.
  2. I like the DMR because of its range and its purpose of being like an M4 rifle. It also helps me snipe when I don't have ammo anymore for the Sniper Rifle.
  3. I hope they would finally let us fly the longsword.
  4. I don't think anyone has wondered but does anyone know what aircraft we would use in Halo 4?
  5. UNSCMarine


    I hope military police is still there.
  6. Everyone, just try being shieldless in a firefight match in Reach with no armor abilities but sprint. Thats what made me think of the idea.
  7. zoobkillerninja, yes its just like the firefight on anniversary but you can tell them where to go, to cover that area, suppres fire ahead to cover your movement.
  8. Hello everyone! I'm UNSCMarine. I have a gametype idea for Halo 4. I don't know if you will like it or not. My idea is called Marine Ops. In Marine Ops, you can command a normal, regular, non-augmented 4-man marine squad (which includes you). You have to survive wave after wave of covenant troops. I created this idea so that when this will come out in Halo 4, players will have the feeling of being shieldless ,being able to commanding a squad and taking cover so that you won't die.
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