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(DUgF) DGenerateKiller

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Everything posted by (DUgF) DGenerateKiller

  1. I comletely agree here... either way its not going to change my interest in the game.. but it would make it a lot easier to manage my community's division/s as they grow and more divisions are needed to form for management of members for competition ect...
  2. so much to see and think about... You tempt me so Halo 4

  3. that and curious to what these secializations and skins we are getting in the limited edition of the game... hopeully they will show a couple of these things in the broadcast when it starts... I can dream.. lol
  4. Nice... That is one thing I am REALLY anxious to stt.. is all the different armor variants and customizations...
  5. Really getting anxious to see what this coverage is going to be of on halo 4 in 1 hour from now......
  6. Thx... completely forgot to get on waypoint.. lol
  7. lol.. should start at 20:00 your time.. so 8pm your time, hope that eases the frustration.. been watching the IGN coverage and while it is a few minutes behind it is somewhat on sceadule now that I noticed they were on PDT on the times on the scheadule lol
  8. Nice Find!!! the maps look great.. cant wait to play them and see what others there are in store for us.
  9. Should start around 19:00 my time
  10. of course I just now realized that it is in PDT and I'm in central time US... so i still have a few hours till i really get mad at them... lol
  11. Must be cause now it has jumped to Dance Central 3 which is listed after Halo 4.... Really annoying now..
  12. yea i've got G4 on tv and watching the IGN on the computer.. both of which are annoying me cause there is no Halo news on... lol
  13. While I wouldnt mind a Legendary Edition.. I am glad I'm not going to have to shell out another $150+ on another game.... Another reason that makes a lot of sense for not making one is, if no noticed in the past, reach esecially, There were a lot of extra copies of the Legendary Edition... A lot of which was probably from people pre-ordering and not picking up their copies.. to the point that at GameStop at least, a couple of copies were left and not purchased for so long that the price dropped to $65 just to get rid of them. So there is some money loss there for the Franchise.
  14. yeah the live feed, is not so live.. when i turned it on about an hour ago or less... it was on the nintendo press coference still.. so it is still on the way to see the halo info.. it just jumped to the Dead Space 3 info for me not too long ago.
  15. Still debating on the first division's name on the Halo Franchise... I don't want to go with the bland and sterotypical "DUg-Spartans" leaning more toward "DUg-Infinity" or something like that.
  16. Very nice info. Can't wait to see what else is in store for us on this game. Just wish I wasn't missing all this coverage live... Just too exhausted from lack of sleep to get up and actually watch it. Lol
  17. And times needed for availability will vary per division based on who is running that division. We prefer to get together at least once a week to discuss what is happening in the community and also get some playtime in as a team and work on/build strategies, establish our callouts, ECT... Usually takes place on weekend evenings. We try to accommodate to the needs of our members, again realizing that real life, like family, work, ECT.. come first. These are things discussed when talking to those that show the interest in joining, and will have days set in advance to get together.
  18. Well thank you very much. And to fill in the gaps you listed... We are a fairly new community. I was originally in a gaming community called KIG (Killer Instinct Gaming). And some drama had started to go down on all levels from the founders on down, which is when I felt it was time to leave. We launched with about 5 other members that followed me about the time Modern Warfare 3 released. Grew to about 20 some odd members fairly quickly, all of which meshed really well with each other in the manner of playing as a team. Activity on MW3 has slowed due to a lot of the members obligations to real life, which we emphasize that those things come first. I placed a strongly driven member that is dedicated to that game as a DUg8 (Division Commander) so that I could focus on building and launching a Division for the Halo franchise, Thus advertising on here. There are not really tryouts per say but more just playing with current members and being invited to begin the trial phase to see how you work with the team as a whole as a "Recruit" or DUg0. If I receive enough interest from this advertisement, we will possibly start playing and growing on Reach, and then transfer to Halo 4 when it launches. Each Division is dedicated to a specific game, and it they start to grow too large there will be a split that happens, giving a member that has progressed through the ranking structure, the chance to coordinate and run their own division to keep numbers to a manageable number per division for gamebattles, and other events.
  19. Also I should be on here fairly often for the most part so any questions you have, I will try to answer as quickly as possible on here.
  20. Deadly Underground Gaming is a community created for players that enjoy a mature gaming experience, playing as a team, designing and implementing superior tactics, and seeking sponsorships to play in tournaments and improve the community. This being said, we are also here to have a fun and enjoyable time playing with like-minded players. There is an age limit of 18 years old or older, with exceptions for mature younger gamers down to age 16. We do also have a Jr. DUg division for those not meeting that criteria, primarily for family members of normal members of the community, but not limited to just family of other members. If you are interested in joining for Halo, or any other game, either message me on XBox Live, GT: DGenerateKiller, or email me at: [email protected]. We do have a temporary website up for forum usage ECT... And in the process of getting the official site built and launched. Temporary site is: HTTP://deadlyundergroundgamingtemp.webs.com feel free to check it ou for more information like, our ranking structure, rules & regulations, ECT... Hope to hear from you soon.
  21. Yeah they are bound to spread... And kinda curious about since there are so many different ones, if they will become available for download or something later like most games do. or if some/all of them may be included in the "special skins" that are coming with the limited edition of the game.
  22. Exactly... I'm not worried about this issue. I just want to play already.. 5 shot or not, the gunplay looks great.
  23. Hmmm... odd.... My friends at GameStop here in the US said that it was on the list for what we would be getting as well as the Skin we are listed to get also...
  24. Totally agree.. would definitely be a cool addition.. but don't see that happening... Unless they do a system of "get these achivements=unlock this armor variant" I'm just glad to see them sticking to what we have grown to expect and love in a Halo game.
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