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(DUgF) DGenerateKiller

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Everything posted by (DUgF) DGenerateKiller

  1. Definitely a nice find... I completely missed that while i was drooling over everything else halo 4 and smart glass while watching the broadcast.. lol
  2. I hope so... I can't get enough. I'll have to re-watch all these clips, and any future clips, over and over again until release day just to curb my excitement for this installment of the saga.
  3. To sadly answer this.... Cause we have to wait for them to work out as many bugs as possible so that we don't have to go through the terrible mess of dealing with horrific glitches ect... that would turn away some of the other, not as loyal, fans of the franchise. Trust me I wish November 6th tomorrow....
  4. Definitely a good idea.. Just gotta sit here and wait to find out what they actually do It really needs to be November already!!! lmao
  5. They are already adding promethean vision to counter hiding.. adding killcams would bring the familiar feel of CoD to Halo and would definitely like to see them stay at least somewhat seperate. lol
  6. No way to tell for sure unless some Devs come in here and confirm it.. lol
  7. Why can't it be November already!!!!!!

    1. Azaxx


      Because its June

    2. (DUgF)  DGenerateKiller

      (DUgF) DGenerateKiller

      Don't remind me... Lol

  8. thank you... everyone always assumed that Chief was the only surviving Spartan.... It always stated one of the last remaining spartans.. But as for co op. I would probably agree with the idea of the other players would be skinned to look like the other characters in the screenshot. and would be cool to see if they coded it so that each player see's themselves as MC and then randomly assigning an appearance to the other players. Then there would never be the argument with friends on who is going to be first player, aka MC.
  9. There has got to be an actual ranking system considering when they promoted what you get in the limited edition they talked about Access to specializations from day 1 to gain new ranks ect....
  10. Just like any other game released in the past... Things may be a little wrong to start but changes will be made to adjust, and even out, the playing field. Also have to remember that this is all still not the finished product that we will all get and play.... There is still time for those kinds of tweaks between now and the shipping date.
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