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  1. 2- Fast kill times, no, not fast like COD, but fast enough to keep the game fast paced and interesting, like Halo ce/2/3. i honestly thing faster kill time would be horrible, thats what i like about halo is the kill time.. if u start getting shot at, unlike in cod u have time to turn around and possibly out dmr someone. Faster kill times would mess up the entire game and turn it into camping like COD
  2. I want to start off by saying, DO NOT COPY CALL OF DUTY AND ADD IN PERKS/WEAPON SKINS/CHANGEABLE CLASSES. THAT WILL SUCK! Here are some of the best new competetive playlist ideas I could think of. These ideas ARE comming from a competetive player and these ARE main playlist titles such as Team Slayer, Team Objective, Team Swat, Team Snipers, etc. And inside these playlist can be the different styles of the playlist such as gametype and map. These suggestions DO go in order of what I think are best. Competetive 1v1 Playlist MLG FFA MLG playlist (Not new I know, but very important and it wasn't in the start of Halo: Reach) Instant Respawn Octagon Playlist with one person lobbies to avoid teaming Sniper/BR playlist 3v3 playlist (not multy team) MLG 3 Team 3v3's Something with it's own inner ranking system like The Arena Here are some suggestions for these new competetive maps. 1v1 - Medium sized - small map, we do not want a huge map and have to run around to find eachother. Also something that if you are good enough to know your spawns which is something that really brings an edge in competetive gaming, something that you can spawn trap someone on just as how you can spawn trap someone on Sanctuary. MLG FFA - Medium to Large sized maps. By large, I do not mean an empty void of space like Hemmorage, 90% of competetive players HATE that map! But do not cram us into one tiny area. We like to have a 1v1 run in while we are playing where there is not a chance for our kill to be stolen sometimes. MLG - Now this one is argueable, but from my point of view, NON symetrical maps are the way to go. An area that the two teams battle to control. But if all else fails another area of the map will hold an almost great of a spot. These areas need more than one way of being entered so that a team can not camp one entrance. Octagon - Small to Large Octagons that players can vote on. Snipers/BR - Small to Large maps. If you could find it in your hearts, please when making a large map do not base an idea off of Hemmorage.. If it even looks like Hemmorage it's a bad idea. 3v3 Playlist - Medium sized maps. Something Medium sized to me is Asylum, Zealot, or Halo 3 Gaurdian (which should be remade). MLG 3 Team 3v3 - Small to Large. So any size will do. Why a small map for 9 people you ask? Well because it would be a real test of skill with constant firing going on, just make sure to include some tactical cover and not to many advantage points in thise playlist. Now for the last part of this post and of my ideas, are maps I will be rating with a favorite, like, ok, or dislike and why. This will end this post because my mind is simply not creative enough to think of any new guns. Hemmorage - DISLIKE :thumbdown: because of the empty middle Gaurdian - LIKE all points of the map are important to hold in order to win Halo 3's The Pit - LIKE symetrical, good weapons, and good map Zealot - LIKE symetrical, weapon placement, and nice color Sanctuary/Asylum - FAVORITE :unworthy:symetrical and weapon placement. Also because of the many points that CAN be an advantage IF you know what you are doing. Boardwalk - OK Good map, bad weapon placement Countdown - LIKE Good weapon placement, and an ok map, but in my opinion I think the map was given just a few to many twist and turns. But in a plus, this map offers a lot of 1 on 1 battle. Powerhouse - DISLIKE :thumbdown: bad map, bad weapons, bad weapon placement. (was a little better when there was sniper instead of that alien beam "thing".. durring it's time when Arena was the MLG Reflection - OK Good map but top balcony was too much of an advantage point and fighting in narrow hallways where a grenade placed anywhere can kill you, is bad.. Swordbase - OK Good map, but sword made it worse because when you have it, green lift camping made it impossible to invade a team holding break room fairly. UnCaged - FAVORITE :unworthy: Great map, great weapon placement, grenade launcher was the balancing weapon between sniper and rockets which is also one of my favorite guns to use on that map. Pinnacle - FAVORITE :unworthy: Great map, weapon placement such as giving whoever spawns at small tower rockets AND a sniper would be bad, but was amazingly counteracted by giving the other team their own sniper and a much better hiding spot, Big tower.. I hope someone that can do something with these ideas actually reads this, and I hope I have impacted the Halo 4 competetive gameplay. MAY HALO LIVE FOREVER
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