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Everything posted by PrometheanSigma

  1. Yeah, and the scorpion does look cool
  2. Once I finish the prologue, I'll make a thread for it.
  3. Great fan-fiction. I was going to try and start a Halo fan-fiction soon about the origin of Noble 6, and how he started off with two other Spartans.
  4. 1 YEAR for you, a week or two for me. I'm new but I feel like I know you well already. Also sorry about your dad. But anyways congrats on this achievement! PARTY HARD FIRE
  5. I was playing Just Cause 2 and checking out the achievements when I noticed something. The difficulties, from easiest to hardest, are: Casual Normal Experienced Hardcore Like on Halo, you get no bonus achievement for beating it on the easiest difficulty, but get a bonus for all other difficulties. Winning on Normal gets you an achievement named 'Top Agent'. No Halo reference here. However, winning on Experienced (the same difficulty level as Heroic) gets you an achievement called 'Heroic Agent'. Odd... And winning on Hardcore (=legendary) gets you an achievement called 'Legendary Agent'. So, help me decide whether this was planned or coincidence! 'Cause it's pretty weird!
  6. 1. Halo 3 (great campaign, multiplayer, and forge) 2. Halo: CE / CEA (astounding campaign. Two Betrayals is the best Halo mission in history) +custom edition - I love all the custom maps! Even made walkthroughs on a few 3. Modern Warfare 2 (extremely fun multiplayer, fun Spec Ops, and a good campaign) 4. Gears of War 3 (HORDE HORDE HORDE HORDE) 5. Minecraft (It's plain out amazing. 'Nuff said.) 6. Borderlands (Other than the weak ending it was very good) 7. Halo: Reach (Amazing forge and a good multiplayer) 8. Just Cause 2 (Unlike GTA, you reap havoc and chaos for a GOOD purpose [bonus for massive game world]) 9. Trials: Evolution (This game is simply amazing and has the best world editor possible) 10. Metal Arms: Glitch in the System (This old game was loads of fun, but had a lack of online multiplayer) Honorable Mentions (these are in no specific order) -Crysis 2 (Very addictive campaign) -Forza Motorsport 4 (A well mastered racing game) -Team Fortress 2 (Like the variety throughout w/ servers, characters, and items) -Tribes: Ascend (A lot like a mix between Halo and Team Fortress 2 + supersonic speeds) -Left 4 Dead (Much better than the 2nd, it is very fun and masters campaign maps) -Halo Wars (Halo wasn't meant to be a RTS, but it does it pretty well) -Star Wars Battlefront II (Good campaign and multiplayer [love hunt and jedis]) -TES 4 and 5 [Oblivion & Skyrim] (Adventuring all around is very fun, and questing is great) -Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue (I just love the way it works) -Pokemon: Pearl (This is personally my favorite Pokemon game out there, not counting Mystery Dungeon) -Super Scribblenauts (The idea was already amazing and adjectives made it better) -Mechassault (Another oldie, love stomping around in huge mechs and destroying stuff)
  7. I want to thank 'The Sprinklez' for joining. He is nice, great at video games, and overall makes the clan better! Thank you
  8. Hope my Laptop doesn't get digested (nah, just kiddin', I don't have a laptop. I found some plugs and used my computer/desktop ) TPAM is to sexy for their sexy. TPBM is Squidward Tentacles.
  9. Actually director, I mean shows that don't come on ever anymore. Any shows that still comes on counts. And more questions, 2 for you 1. Roughly, how many Earths would fit into 672 suns (our standard sun size, no star beyond it)? 2. Name 10 foods that start with the letter K. If not possible, do L. If that's not possible, you choose any non-vowel letter other than S.
  10. It is overpowered, but you can't just throw it out of Multiplayer (War Games) ...or maybe you can, I dunno. Either way, I still want it to remain in Forge.
  11. I herd u liek mudkips. I also herd som pepl need spelingg lesons.

  12. I will be gone much of July and early August so I won't be on much, if at all. I am not leaving the forums or anything but I'm going on several trips. I will be home some of July but I don't know if I'll be on. This is still just a heads up. I will be home for all of June. Also, I won't be on as much starting from August 8-12 (something around that) because school is starting. Because of all this, I'll try to be on a lot this June. Anyways, I'm not leaving, I just won't be on as much. Also, thanks for being the best forum ever. Been here 10-12 days and I already have friends
  13. See you soon. Take as much time as you need. Don't rush back just for us
  14. Another food to my list... pillows, uncooked steak, towels, raw eggs... TPAM is a kind and welcoming friend. TPBM is a cannibal.
  15. Multiple small tattoos, I guess. Although truly I'm scared of even one WYR be a DJ or a rapper?
  16. How many shows are there on the TLC, HBO, Showtime, Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, ABC, and History Channel combined? This includes special shows that might only be in an East/West, etc. version channel. This does NOT include one episode events OR movies. This does NOT include shows that aren't currently on air. A show on more than one channel only counts as 1. Optional: Name all of the shows.
  17. 5 semi? Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WYR be a dedicated member for a month or a trusted member for a year?
  18. Do you kick people who toot with a boot? Do you like German shepherds?
  19. DOUBLE NEGATIVE, I CAN AFFORD EVERYTHING!!!! TPAM is a great skateboarder TPBM doesn't know how to walk
  20. Here's an insult. You're not Quantum anymore....
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