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Everything posted by PrometheanSigma

  1. you don't le say le so le much in le rage comics... it's le annoying... here are some things by me, tell me watcha think http://profile.cheez...iamwiggles/lolz
  2. CRAP can't remember the lyrics but I think it's "In a big old world..."
  3. Also DDM3 they're bringing back the covenant carbine and scorpion
  4. What is 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 50 x 60 x 70 x 80 x 90?
  5. Uhhh.... a man named Gertrude O_o WYR kill JB or a CoD fanboy?
  6. Don't wanna know what mature poop smells like... TPAM has great accuracy. TPBM tries to snipe with a shotgun.
  7. Yup, dedicated will take some time
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