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Posts posted by TJP10987

  1. I know I'm waaaay late on this but I never found out why they scrapped them for Reach? They had them in Halo 3. Besides, they have Rocket Hog Race which is KINDA like rocket battle except it's an objective type game. Personally, I liked sword and rocket battle in Halo 3. It was kind of a nice break after playing a number of regular slayer games.

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  2. I just finished a game of SWAT on Asylum. People were spawned behind me twice and I was killed. I was blue spawn and continued getting spawned near the red base, therefore spawn killed. Normally I just get over it and go about my day, but since Pinnacle and Uncaged have been removed for the same reasons, I feel like I should complain about it too! Like I said previously, if you're gonna remove those two, you better remove Asylum because it is FAR WORSE for these conditions. Yes, this leaves even smaller choices but then maybe 343 would understand they need to take a different approach to removing maps. For example, monitoring what people vote for, I remember someone saying this before. SWAT is simply not fun for me anymore. Asylum has been my least favorite map, followed by Reflection and playing them 4 times in a row is obviously not something I want to do and since SWAT is all I like play, I'm considering quitting Reach altogether. I don't mind Sword Base, Zealot, and Countdown at ALL (I LOVE them) but it's not like I see an option for them very often. Way to go 343, you did exactly what I hoped you wouldn't.


    Personal opinion, but I can't stand Asylum... AND PEOPLE ALWAYS VOTE FOR IT. I agree with the OP on the part where he says there aren't enough selection for swat. Here's what my experience is in how often the maps are played:


    Reflection/Asylum - 70% of the time

    Countdown/Zealot - 20% of the time

    Sword Base - 10% of the time


    These are all give or take but still pretty close. Also, I think I may have gotten Powerhouse every once in a blue moon but it hardly ever happens for swat. Less than Sword Base I could tell ya that. Anyway, point is, 343 needs to add more of a selection.

  3. With all the forgers out there, why can't they put some INTERESTING grifball maps out? They were headed in the right direction with the jetpacks and grifball dash, but all the maps are the same kind of thing. can't they release maps that AREN'T just a regular, big arena? You'll know what I'm talking about if you remember some of the grifball maps from Halo 3. They had this crazy one where you had to jump to different platforms and try not to fall off while trying to score. I mean, if you're playing regular grifball with no abilities, all the maps are completely the same layout just with a slightly different design.


    btw, I'm guilty of spawn killing. I've gotten good at grifball and I do it whenever I can. However, this gets boring if your teammates have already taken the spot and all your doing is standing there watching the other team die. Then it's only fun for the other 2 or 3 players who are doing it. So I'm not complaining because I get killed. I just keep wondering why 343 doesn't just add more spawn points so you never know where the other team will spawn. They did this with the Brightside map and a few others, but not all of them.

  4. I don't mind it. While others may hate it because they play competitively, I feel that sometimes games are taken waay too seriously. I kinda like players that just mess around, hide, etc. It gives me a good laugh and kind of lightens the mood. I can't stand when I join a game and you have all these high ranks trying to talk their trash and trying so hard. It takes away the fun for me. It's just a game. So you are better at aiming and strategizing in a shooter game. big whoop.. I'll admit I'm not that good, but the beauty is I don't care. :)

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  5. I agree, the blocked off all of the good camp spots


    Hi, first post! I just wanted to say, that maybe I just had the wrong idea but I don't think Living Dead was ever meant to be a camp fest. I mean if you remember, Bungie themselves even patched a few of the major spots that people were finding. I think the gametype was really meant for the zombies to just run around and try to survive while killing the humans. Not to have the humans piled up in the camp spots while the zombies struggle to reach them before getting shot.

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