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    Halo, cars. That's about it.

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  1. Watching the Halo 4 MLG finals bracket. Good stuff.

  2. Having the ranking of a player visible only to that player is a good idea because it will reduce the abuse that Halo 3's ranking system took with boosters, de-rankers, etc.
  3. 2 weeks is too long.

  4. This system won't be manipulated/boosted nearly as much as Halo 3's.
  5. Do you think the chant that Martin O'Donnell made famous in the first 3 Halo games will make it to Halo 4? I haven't heard it in any of the soundtrack samples available. Do we even need it? Discuss!
  6. I actually fell down that elevator shaft once on accident playing co-op with a friend. He started the elevator and when I tried to jump down onto it, I fell right through.
  7. I do! Should be able to do it Saturday. Do you need Deja Vu as well?
  8. I'll definitely play the campaign on Heroic first thing, then complete Spartan Ops missions before they become unavailable. That is, if each episode goes away after some time...
  9. Just went to the Tribute room... Solo. I'm feeling pretty good about myself.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Archangel Tyrael

      Archangel Tyrael

      yes it is, have two controllers..one at that one door and the one at the jetpack one and bam easy.

    3. Zaguroth


      i meant it's not solo as in theres more then 1 player... either way you look at it, if it was splitscreen he had someone to spawn on.. not solo..

    4. igobyfrank


      It was actually by myself! Just one controller! Took me forever because getting back in bounds was extremely difficult... I went the bottom route underneath the structure that the button is on then used my jetpack to fly up and get back in bounds.

  10. He's right. Look at Forge in Halo: Reach and see even there how many things are adjustable and changeable in Halo gameplay. ... And that's just what the developers let us change. There will be PLENTY of different ways to play Halo in Halo 4. I think 343 knows what a huge, diverse fan base that they have to please.
  11. Maybe if I get bored enough this Summer I can pick up the Halo books instead of the games. Might even make reading possible during Summer...
  12. What great value! It's like I won't have time to play anything else! This is the best problem one could hope to have: So much content in one game that you can't play other games.
  13. That's Wall-E! Did someone seriously spend time putting Wall-E's face onto a gun? Sad. Don't get too worried about this.
  14. People need to remember that very few multiplayer game types were shown at E3. If you desire a more competitive game, wait until a more "classic" version is played. Infinity Slayer is not the only game type!
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