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Jackal (2/19)



  1. RlPPY


    it wont affect gameplay, all these noobs say oh well it gives away my posion and it takes away from strategy, well no it doesent cause i have been playing halo for awile now and have been on top ten or top 100 in multiple playlist on halo tracker and halo charts (<-- R.I.P) , have had in top 5% onix and not once have i not known where i got killed from or not have known that it was a sniper that killed me. i support 343 in there decision
  2. RlPPY


    ok on your standard death screan in halo 3/reach from your body you can look around the map from where you died and also cycle from person to person to see there view and your worried about kill cams giving up stategy? and plus your saying that new view points deprives strategy i thing it would improve strategy to have more prospective anyways players location on the map changes very rapidly
  3. RlPPY


    i dont see how it can copromise your teams strategy? its not like they dont know where thay got killed from anyway, unless they take special ed classes and have an IQ of like 12
  4. RlPPY


    idk why i am seeing so many of you against the idea of killcams, i believe that yeah sure its done by cod, but still who cares i am for the idea. lets say you are an amazing player, like myself and you take pride when you get a nice snipe or overkill, exterm, ninja or any of that good stuff now it allows the players on the other team to respect those kills and possibly share the exitement of witnessing it and give you your props and get you recognized. and i know i would want to see if i got pooped on or not haha, but you know it adds features to the game and why would you want less features? and if you dont wanna see yourself get pooped on, well goahead and skip the killcam and do your instant respawn and get pooped on again be my guest and for those who say "its gonna make it impossible to hide" -you know who you are- go play call of duty because halo is not a game for campers sorry buddy. and sorry for all those who cant get nice kills cause you only use the AR, ima enjoy showing off in those killcams
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