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Spartan T-127

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Everything posted by Spartan T-127

  1. After watching the new third season of Walking Dead on AMC, I really got into the whole survival-in-an-apocalypse thing. Anyway Let's play some pretend here for a second. Let's all imagine we are in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. In order to survive, we have to come up with....regulations of a sort. Ya know, suggestions, rules, etc. Kinda like Rick's signature " We don't kill the living." thing. Then to make it interesting, if you would like, you can come up with an outcome of a suggestion someone made up and decide if it would play out well. Basically deciding wether it would kill you or not. Sorry if I'm not making much sense. I'm just really tired and really bored. So, good luck out there.
  2. Absolutely LOVE The Walking Dead (both game and show) and glad to see Halo making lists again. I'm surprised Dead Space 3 didn't get anything for next year like GTA V, but then again, it is an EA game.
  3. The title is pretty self explanatory. I got this idea from playing another survival game. Basically, someone has to come up with a horrible situation and the next person has to decide how to react to that horrible situation. That make sense? Here, I'll just show you. You are in the woods and it is getting dark. You only have a box of matches and a small pocket knife. How do you prepare for nightfall? Then you answer and come up with a different scenario yourself for the next person to answer. See? It's simple (BTW the answers don't have to be realistic. You are free to use your imagination) I'll start You have been hiking for several hours and have not eaten the entire day. You come across a berry bush with berries you have never seen before. Do you chance eating something poisonous, or keep walking?
  4. Happy Halodays everyone!

  5. Exactly! Like they said countless times, Chief needs to "discover his human side". And I know the helmet never revealing his face is what has made him so iconic, but at least a small glimpse shows us he's not just a machine.
  6. So I beat AC3, Halo 4, and accomplished almost all that there is to be accomplished in Skyrim. NOW WHAT?!?!?!

    1. Zuko 'Zarhamee

      Zuko 'Zarhamee

      Invent a time machine so you can beat Halo 5.

    2. LiQuid BioniX

      LiQuid BioniX

      Play more Halo 4. It's always the answer...

    3. SternuS


      play X-COM: Enemy Unknown

  7. Still don't have Halo 4.... :(

  8. Halo 4 tomorrow! Good luck everybody and happy hunting :)

  9. I got AC3 on release and it is AMAZING!!!!!!

  10. After my Halo Reach disc got scratched to death, I feel so empty not being able to play my favorite game anymore. :( ( Not my favorite Halo game, it was just the last Halo I had )

    1. Jay_Magnus


      It's not even your favorite Halo game, yet it's your favorite game? O_O how is that possible?

    2. Spartan T-127

      Spartan T-127

      No, Halo Reach wasn't my favorite Halo game, but the Halo games in general are :)

  11. Just got Dead Island and, for once, I beat my brother at something :)

  12. I TRIED playing on zealot after my brother and I made a bet: If I died 5 times, I had to cough up $15. I lost count at 13....
  13. Paarthurnax from Skyrim Oh what, like you wouldn't want to be friends with a dragon?
  14. In honor of Breast Cancer Awarness month, I have set a goal to wear at least 1 article of pink clothing for the entire month.

  15. Dishonored coming tomorrow!! :D....Damn it. Forgot to pre-order...

  16. :DDD 2-and-a-half weeks later, AND ZOHAN IS BACK!!!! :DDDD First cat that has come back to us in a long time. I AM ABSOLUTELY OVERJOYED!!!!

  17. 2 years, and I am still unbelievably pissed at my older brother for selling Halo 3.

    1. Sikslik7


      I would be too


    2. Azaxx


      Buy a new copy?

    3. EliteSniper


      I got mine for 15 euros :D


  18. the power to phase in and out of existence to any desired location at any time. Kinda like a promethean
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