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Everything posted by Prophet_of_Sandy_Toast

  1. Sorry for the useless post, I played through halo 3's campaign again and watched that cut-scene and many others for the first time. That is now my favorite quote.
  2. Its funny that you mentioned Halo Nation (formerly Halopedia), because they have an article about them to.
  3. I was just wondering if anyone has heard of this website, and if not, I want to get it out there. It is possibly the funniest game humor wiki that I have ever been to. Hear is an example of one of their hilarious articles on the Noob: http://unhalo.wikia.com/wiki/Noob
  4. That,s not entirely true. After all, this is the official 343i forum.
  5. So, this my first post and would like to make an impression on you fine folks. Anyways, I got to thinking, what if we could perform new assassinations and possibly combos, which I will explain later. Maybe we could get some new assassination animations with weapons other than the energy sword and our trusty dusty knife, like maybe the shotgun or the assault rifle? Like maybe with the shotgun, you could do a flip over your opponent's back to their frontside and put a well-placed shot into their gut. And maybe with the assault rifle, you could grab your enemy by the shoulder, embed the rifle in their back and empty the entire magazine into them. Of course, other guns would have unique assassinations as well. The possibilities are endless. Now onto the "combos". Say, your'e sprinting towards your opponent with energy sword or another melee weapon, and you attack! But, instead of just lunging towards them, you perform a combat roll and pin them to the ground and finish them off! This would not only be friggin' badass, but it would also be great for infection. If you have any other suggestions for these ideas, then I would be glad to hear them. No, none of this is confirmed, it's just a neat idea I got today while playing blargball in reach.
  6. Oh, like we haven't heard this sob story before. "Ohhhhh, HaWo's tawnin' inta CoD!" Seriously, kid, suck it up.
  7. Obviously we have some.......HERETIC SCUM IN THE ROOM! *readies carrier for glassing run*
  8. If I didn'nt think you were trolling I would.......scorch your planet's surface until it is but glass!
  9. Oh, woops. I didn't realize how ancient this thread was.
  10. You traitor! I will roast your planet in my holy fires until its surface is but glass!
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