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Everything posted by dmb4134

  1. Where did you get the information from?
  2. 343i and Halo community, Hear out my plea (similar to the many other posts). PLEASE INCORPORATE A LEGITIMATE RANKING SYSTEM!!! However you decide to go about doing it, WINNING must hold the most weight, then K/D spread, assists, objective points (i.e. planting bomb, killing flag carrier, time logged into the hill in KotH, oddball carry seconds, etc). Currently, reach is busted. If you don't believe me, play a few games in the 'multi-team' playlist, and see how many people don't go for the objective to win, unless it is slayer. Watch how most sit back and just kill the kids running to the objective. You want to know why? BECAUSE WINNING DOESN'T MATTER! Going 45 and 4 is alot more fun than trying to win a game that has no meaning. In H3 and H2, I used to bust my ass to win a game. Now in reach, I sit back during objective matches and shoot to get kills, not to win. The ranking system is what will define the legacy for H4. You must remember that a casual gamer is just that...a casual gamer. They are going to fade off no matter what. You need to find a way to get them hooked to come back for more. The only way to do that is to cater to the serious halo player because they will be the ones around if the 'casual gamers' move on. And I'm not talking about an arena playlist that is ranked. Go back and see the statistics bungie had on how that epicly failed. H2 was perfect, but again, everyone has moved on from Trueskill. I am PRAYING that you get it right. Now that I covered the most important change, I would like to add in my opinion on a couple other topics (in no particular order): 1- I like the idea of reach's cR to buy armor customizations. But after about 3million cR, I have everything. There needs to be MUCH more. I currently have over 4million cR just piling up. 2- Multi-Team playlist MUST come back. It's all I play, and it is consistently in the top 5 most played playlist in terms of how many people are playing it at any given time. I loved when reach initially had 6 teams of 2 people. Then it changed to 4 teams of 3 people, which is still ok, but not as good. I think there should be both, incase you are just with 2 people, or if you have 3. But either way, there has to be at least one! 3- Headhsots need to do more damage to the shield. It will help seperate skill ten-fold. 4 shots to the foot/hand/leg/torso, and then 1 shot to the head should not be equal to 5 straight headshots (referring to the pistol and DMR). I know it's a shield, and it drains equally no matter where the blows land, but maybe 3 headshots drop a shield instead of 4? Increase the weight a headshot has compared to being hit anywhere else. 4- Circling back to ranks again (THE MOST IMPORTANT CHANGE THAT NEEDS TO BE MADE), I liked how in reach and H3 there were military ranks. I liked even more how reach went beyond military ranks, up to inheritor, which took much time and dedication to achieve. I would like to see that incorporated with the numbered ranking system I spoke of above. Maybe similar to H3 where each playlist had its numbered rank, but then there were a few social playlists. That would be cool for H4, but only have a couple social playlists that can add to your military rank, but your military rank won't rise unless you achieve a minimun lvl in any playlist. I also think the cap should be around 100, not 50. 50 seems too achievable, unless of course you mark it out in brakcets. Like the top X% can be 50 and so on and so forth. I hope this post makes it to the developers eyes, and that it holds some weight. I have played Halo since the beginning, and I know exactly what I would change in terms on MM. I have logged in nearly 30 days of game time to reach, with at least 27 days in MM. (Most people I know, along with myself, play the campaign once to beat it for the achives, rarely play firefight and never use the forge). Regards, Beloved Halo Fan PS- Halo is the reason I own an Xbox, and the reason I pay for live. I have tried many other games, nothing compares to Halo. With the changes I listed above to MM, myself and everyone I know would be EXTREMELY pleased.
  3. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT! Reach flopped miserably because the only ranking they had was arena, and that was terrible! I like how H3 incorporated a number rank (1-50) along with a military rank to show how long you played. The only problem there was, it didn't take too long to hit 50/the highest military rank. I like how reach made it very time consuming to become an inheritor (I am only an eclipse), but that doesnt mean **** unless there is some sort of skill rank associated with that. H4 will literally lie in the hands of its ranking system. H2 was amazing, H3 was pretty good, Reach was **** in regards to its ranking system. I love reach, but it would have been so much better if it had a legitimate ranking structure. Also, it needs a ton more armor customizations. In reach after about 4m cR I have everything worth getting, and now am stuck with another 4m cR that will just continue to stock up I have such a great vision on how I would structure the ranking system, but this post will probably be ignored by 343 anyway. But you must keep in mind that the casual gamer is just that...a casual gamer. They will fade off eventually anyway. If you don't cater at least 75% to real competition, then you will have no community of players. Look at WoW for example. They have done so well, yes because of the great product they offer, but because they catered to hardcore gamers. It was addicting and even turned some casual gamers to play more than they would normally. A GAME SHOULD NOT CATER TO CASUAL GAMERS - YET IT SHOULD BE SUCH A GREAT GAME THAT IT CAPTURES THE CASUAL GAMER AND TURNS THEM INTO BIGGER GAMERS.
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