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Everything posted by realitykid

  1. I have no idea what your point was here. But, it doesn't appear to actually add to the discussion at hand.
  2. I think that's a good thing though. Halo 4 needs to be able to have its own look and feel, not the same look and feel that has been offered in past Halo games. I'm sorry, but if Halo 4 were to be just like Halo 3, then I would not have wanted it. It would just be the same old game, and I already have the Halo 3 multiplayer so there'd be no point in me spending money on Halo 4 except for the campaign (would be better off to rent it at that point). As far as balance goes, I feel as if Halo 4 is much more balanced than the past Halo games. So what if someone can get a DMR as soon as they spawn? So can you, if you want one. At that point, it just comes down to who is better. Everyone has sprint, and access to the same abilities. In Halo 3, you had to know where the weapons would spawn, and hope to God that you got to a good one before someone else did. And if you were new to the game, then you'd be out of luck because the enemy team would already have all the good weapons and you'd just be getting creamed. Sure, that might be fun for the people who have the unfair advantage of knowing where all the good stuff is at. But, it's no fun for the new guys and they'll just leave Halo because they can't have fun. Halo 4 fixes that problem, IMO. I honestly hope that Halo never goes back to its old style of gameplay. I much prefer the direction 343 is taking it now and I applaud 343 for being brave enough to make the changes. What has GTA V got to do with Halo 4?
  3. My issue has been, and I'm sure plenty of us have seen this is one post or another, when those of us who like Halo 4 and openly express it are being told that we are in denial. Um, if I enjoy Halo 4, but someone else doesn't, that doesn't mean I am in denial. That just means I had a different experience and saw the game from a different perspective than that of the person who didn't enjoy the game. Another point here, it's just a game! A video game, just like any other form of entertainment, is subjective. That means just because someone doesn't like a game, movie, song, etc doesn't mean that it's bad. It just means someone didn't like it. It wasn't for them. So, with this in mind, it's obvious that Halo 4 didn't meat everyone's expectations. Does this mean that 343 ruined Halo? Maybe for some people. But, again, that is subjective. Honestly, I think some people need to just get over the changes made in Halo 4. Some just want it to be a rehash of older Halo titles. Sorry, but, it's called Halo 4 for a reason. That's because it's different from 2, 3, etc. It's not the same game. And it doesn't need to be the same in order to be part of the Halo series. It just needs to follow the story to the best of it's ability and be set in the same universe. Anyway, that's all I have to say about that. (Forrest Gump anyone?)
  4. I don't know if anyone has touched on this issue yet. But, my loadouts continually change back to defaults. I don't know why. But it's getting annoying. They will retain their names, but the rest of it defaults.
  5. Most of the plot holes that you guys are talking about will probably be filled up in the next two games. Not to mention the books that most likely cover many of the subjects. Also, if I remember, the past Halo games had the same "go here, do this, now go here" feel to them. Including the chaotic mess of enemies at time. So, you're points are becoming much less valid, and more so just a gasping attempt to justify your opinions. If you don't like the game, that's fine. I still think it was the most interesting and absolute best game in the series to date. The only game that kept me so into it as to finish within my first 6-8 hours of owning it.
  6. Halo 5 probably won't come out next year. Sure, it'll be released on the next Xbox. But, Halo is never released once a year. Halo 4 took 343 around three years to develop. At least, so I heard. I'd imagine Halo 6 will probably be released in late 2014 or 2015.
  7. It all depends where this poll was taken, who it was aimed at, and how many people actually voted on the poll. I'm more along the lines thinking that the poll is BS. From experience, almost everyone I have talked to (who has played Halo 4) has enjoyed the game.
  8. Check to make sure you have no skulls on before you start the campaign. Because this sounds like it is the result of a skull. The skull is called Blind.
  9. Possibly because of the high quality graphics and cutscenes. Yes, even higher quality than Fallout in my opinion. Ok. Suite yourself. While you're all butt hurt about something so ridiculous and acting like a child, I am going to continue enjoying Halo 4. Jesus, grow up and just deal with it instead of whining like a ***** about it. You people are getting annoying.
  10. I don't see any mention anywhere of Halsey being in prison. I know there was an interrogation at the beginning of four. But that doesn't necessarily mean she is in prison. Also, Cortana said that it was a long shot, but it could be possible for Halsey to fix her seeing as how Cortana is the only AI made from Halsey's own flesh - a sort of clone of the mind.
  11. The reason is that people don't have to switch discs just to play multiplayer. This way it can be accessed while having disc one in the console. And yes, the campaign itself spans the whole first disc.
  12. Do you lack the space for it?
  13. I don't know. On Normal I had a hard time with the Knights not standing in one spot. And if they took enough damage and I almost killed them, they'd teleport away. In my opinion, the graphics in four are way ahead of reach. Reminds me of when I tried playing Crysis 2. Awesome graphics!!! Those small things you brought up are things I never even noticed and honestly they don't bug me.
  14. They also released gameplay footage several times. Sure, they didn't spoil the campaign in their videos. But, goodness did they show us a LOT of multiplayer. Their videos are what made me want to play Halo 4. And I'm glad I did. So far, I enjoyed every aspect of it other than Spartan Ops and the boss fight. Spartan Ops is the largest load of crap I've seen in Halo yet. Wish they would have kept Firefight. But, hey, beggars can't be choosers. What I like: The epic story Gameplay Graphics Enemies Weapons War Games (especially Slayer Pro) Feels Fresh and not the same **** on a different day What I don't like: Spartan Ops Final Boss Fight Wish they would have fleshed out Lasky's character a bit better. I mean, seriously, they made an entire series around Lasky and yet he feels as if he adds nothing to the game or story.
  15. Just because Halo 4 and Reach use loadouts, perks, and killstreaks does not make them like CoD. The overall gameplay in Halo is MUCH different than CoD.
  16. I used to be an avid CoD player until recently. I can tell you, Halo 4 has very little similarity to CoD.
  17. Apparently these covenant are a storm faction that still believe in the Great Journey. That's what I heard.
  18. How is that different from any past Halo games? Other than the boss battle, Halo 4 is not unlike past Halo games. All I remember was run here, push this, run back over here, do this, kill a few enemies along the way. It's the same thing. As far as the AI goes, it doesn't strike me as being any dumber than other games either. My point here is that I agree with the ratings and so do many other people. I'm just giving you my opinion. If you don't like the game, then you don't like the game. But don't go acting like you speak for the rest of us. Speak for yourself only. That is where we have a problem. How can it possibly be denial if we disagree with you? I've played and beaten the game. And I enjoyed it! See my above comment. However, I do feel confident enough to trust the ratings on Amazon as they are customer ratings. So far, the minority dislikes it. Well, what do ya know! My experience differs from yours. Honestly, I don't give a **** about what they say on the internet. If I like the game, then what anyone else says has no real bearing on me. I just don't like it when someone tries to tell me I'm wrong, when obviously there is not right or wrong answer. If one person enjoys a video game, and another person doesn't, who is right? Neither of them. It's purely subjective. So far, I've only seen a minority of people who dislike it.
  19. Now wait one second here. You're assuming that, just because a few people think the game sucks, then that means Halo 4 sucks. What about the rest of us who actually enjoy the game? I loved it and am very glad I did it! Was the campaign everything I thought it'd be? Nope. I still enjoyed it though. Spartan Ops was a big ass let down for me. No enjoyment out of that. However, I do enjoy the multiplayer, which is where I spend most of my time. If Spartan Ops is the only thing that I really did not like out of the whole game, then obviously the game is a good one for me. And I'm not the only one who thinks so. The multiplayer playlists is supposed to change over time while 343 figures out what game types players really want. The story was awesome in my opinion. I loved it! Confused the hell out of me at the end, but it sure didn't leave me feeling as if I wasted my money. As far as the complaints go, here are the games ratings: IMDB: 9.7/10 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2006120/) IGN: 9.8 (http://www.ign.com/games/halo-4/xbox-360-134637) - Even the IGN community gave it a 9.8. GameStop: 9.8 (http://www.gamestop.com/xbox-360/games/halo-4-limited-edition/102028) Amazon.com: 4/5 (http://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Instant-Video-Credit-Xbox-360/dp/B0050SYX8W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1352578993&sr=8-1&keywords=halo+4) Metacritic: 87/100 (http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-360/halo-4) - Granted, the users only gave it a 5.8 on metacritic. GameSpot: 9.0 (http://www.gamespot.com/halo-4/) - Users gave it an 8.9. So, I think those who dislike the game are actually the minority. Sorry.
  20. Wrong again. Cortana was simply offering that up as a possibility. She thought they could just be some group of rogue covenant. However, that thought obviously changed when she noticed an ENTIRE covenant fleet. Later on in the game, the covenant bow down to the Didact, in what seems to be an act of worship. Also, in the Spartan Ops trailer, the female spartan says "They believe that this is the home of one of their gods." They being a reference to the covenant. That is why the covenant are there. And before someone starts citing Halo 3 and stating that there was a truce between the humans and the covenant, you need to realize that Halo 4 is set four years after the events of 3. As Cortana said, "A lot can happen in four years."
  21. Cortana has always been an important character in the series. The first Halo I played was Halo 2. Even then I realized that Cortana had a very important role. And Chief's attachment to her was very obvious to me. So, yes, I was very saddened throughout the whole game to see Cortana going through such a horrific state of rampancy and then even more saddened to see her meet, what could possibly be, her permanent demise. I'm hoping that she isn't really dead after all. By the way, without Cortana's help, Chief would never have saved the world. She made almost every important decision, in regards to what Chief needed to do next. And, there were several times that Chief would not have been able to progress without her help.
  22. I think it might be for more than just legendary. Depends on how many people you have playing at once and how fast you are able to get through it. By the way, thanks for promoting McDonald's with your avatar! Keeps me employed.
  23. Campaign for me! Probably on Normal so I can actually enjoy it. Legendary will just piss me off the first couple of times. lol
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