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  1. when more info is released i will update with origin use, and strengths of each weapon
  2. new weapons and vehicles as seen from the E3 game play,trailor,youtube and by others on forum posts 1 - promethian/forrunner light rifle -insinerates enemies 2- promethian/forrunner - scatter shot gun 3- machinegun emplacement/ pick upable 4- assult rifle 5- battle rifle 6- plasma rifle 7- plasma pistol 8- needler gun 9-covanant carbine 10-plasma sword 11-DMR 12- Storm rifle (unknown) 13- pistol 14- Sticky Sdentinator (Mortor pistol/rocket gun) 15-SP lazer vehicles Banshee (light support/attack fighter) phantom drop ship pelican drop ship scropion tank warthog elephant (moblie Light base) promethian/forrunner speed ball ship
  3. to Trevor & Total Mayh3m thank you to MR. William I am new to this site and did not know where to put this thread Weapons 1-pistol 2-assault rifle 3-battle rifle 4-mortor pistol 5-rocket launcher 6-sniper rifle 7-plasma sword 8-plasma pistol 9-plasma rifle 10-plasma and frag gernades 11-rail gun 12- DMR vehicle 1-ghost 2-mongoose 3-warthog if there are more just post them and i will keep this updated day to day
  4. I appolgise first in fore most because i could not find this anywhere ells in the form when using search bar. I wanted to make a list of weapons and vehicles that are currently in the halo 4 game that we have so far seen from screen shots, and videos. If there are more weapons or vehicles that i did not mention please feel free to post them here and I will update later on thank you. weapons 1- pistol 2- assault rifle 3- battle rifle 4-mortor pistol 5-rocket launcher 6-sniper rifle 7-plasma sword 8-plasma pistol 9-plasma rifle 10-plasma and frag gernades vehicles 1- ghost 2- warthog 3- mongoose
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