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Everything posted by RelevantEagle22

  1. From the album: Eagle's Album

    so did i do great or what?
  2. My first time here. When everyone greeted me as a member of the 343 forums.

  4. Im On Punishment. Any Ides On Whta I Should Do To Past The Days?

  5. To: Girls of the forums. From: RelevantEagle22 Message: Come on, who wants to kiss the Eagle??

  6. An option to turn the gravity hammer around and use the blade You get to weild & throw the spear that the elites had when sgt.forge killed arbiter get to use the hayabusa katana
  7. Welcom to the forums ODST. To me this is the site where i get deeper into halo and get to play with people that arent racist and play fair.
  8. CONGRATS DOC. And one question, how do you become a Moderator?
  9. just because u heard Cortana say, "THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU THEY REPLACED YOU" keyword THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU that doesnt means she's relating to 343. plus if 343 didnt care about they wouldnt have made halo 4 and started treating us like ****
  10. I think the knights are gonna find his body and find a way to compose HIM
  11. Purple you on deck Purple i sent u a FR (Friend Request)
  12. yea im on it just says im off (its private so people would stop inviting me 2 games)
  13. Hey RelevanteEagle22 here and today im telling you some exciting news. This Weekend Im getting a 3 Month Gold Memebership and im going to be hosting a Custom Game Lobbie in Halo 4. Im only taking 9 people so hurry up and sign up! The people who are signed up will be listed below. Know lemme tell ya how to sign up. Its pretty simple. You can either PM me on XBOX LIVE (GT: RelevantEagle22), PM me here in the forums, or leave a comment below saying you wanna sign up. Thank You for your time to read this. See you on Infinity Spartan . Oh yea ENTRYS HAVE TO BE IN BY FIRDAY WE ARE STARTING ON SATURDAY 12:00PM. After you ask and i say yes add me (GT: RelevantEagle22) plz like! killtrocity141 Purple Spark918 SpartanCUPID Fox McCloud Eugene Sossaman BaconShelf

  15. u guys just rage when you keep getting blown up. when i feel like im lacking when its go time, i go in the campaign and select a hard mission and do it on legendary and practice. its just a game its not like it halo is ur whole life
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