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Everything posted by RelevantEagle22

  1. CONGRATS RedStarRocket. Nice to have ya as our MOM!
  2. I made this thread to ask the question ive been trying to ask. When spartans assassinate where are they getting the knife from?
  3. From the album: Eagle's Album

    my brand new signature
  4. i agree with SweatyBagels. But I think 343i should tell us why in halo 5
  5. MINECRAFT FOR LIFE (and halo for life)
  6. Get to purchase UNSC,Convenant,Promethean,and flood bots Get to pilot and pruchase Elephants,Vultures,Wolverines,Vampires,and Scarabs Purchase a whole UNSC Base already made Options to sit down in chairs,sleep, and go prone ill let you know when i get more ideas.....
  7. I Would like to: Command a squad of ODST's Have an A.I Better weapon drops Refill ammo on target locater Have an intersting intoduction Get MORE XP for offline and online players Mammath target locator Round V.S Flood,Prometheans,and Convenant (at the same time) Thats all i have for know........
  8. Yes because cheif may not act right with this new "Cortana"
  9. Hi, RelevantEagle22 here and today im asking for 3 people to help me complete the campaign on legendary. If your trying to do so as well this is a great opprotunity to let me know. Leave a post bellow If you want to join me and ill put who has already signed up in this Thread. Thank you for your time for reading this thread, have a great time in Halo 4. Also how bout my brand new signature ya like it? XxPr0digyZ x Skullz v USOH Killcrazy Thanks for signing up it will be on 2/1/13 see ya in armor spartan
  10. No Lackin On My Watch When Its Go Time

  11. Can someone tell me how in the world does people beat the campaign on legendary. its hard to me
  12. a major signature that skyo made me (i made a change to it: added the 343 ind. logo)
  13. From the album: Eagle's Album

    a little signature (well major signature) that Skyo made me
  14. get dead island you can free realm and kill zombies
  15. yes its true that elites are in halo 4
  16. i cant wait. FINALLY i found out the truth. Bungie has not yet fallen (and probably never will)
  17. disconnect from the router reconnect if your still having problems go to configure network something will come up as c.cruzer if you see that go down to reset defaults then restart your connection
  18. i agree with Caboose the Ace. But ive done this alot of times, you could try to find a 343 worker in matchmaking (to me they're everywhere) and ask him/her about the problem. or on a playdate
  19. Welcome to the forums Spartan. If you wanna join my clan ask me on XBL or forums if im here my GT is the same as my 343 name. See ya in the Halo universe
  20. Thanks know i wont be bored cause i dont have gold so ill just watch the vids then be bored again and try the campaign on legendary.
  21. i have the same problem but ill try what you said emeraldiver
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