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Everything posted by RelevantEagle22

  1. Ive read some seeds before. The Next day, i treid them i got burned by lava
  2. Seth you know im yout friend ill join ya.
  3. Do you think you can finally fly a pelican in Halo 4!
  4. mine is Winter Contingency, New Alexandria, Lone Wolf and Nightfall.
  5. What do you think about this new battle rifle 343 Industries has for us in Halo 4.
  6. DONT FORGET TO LIKE THE PICTURE Specal thanks to Google images for the Halo Wars picture
  7. That will be epic because you can see why your spartans are always dying by elite honor gaurds and hunters. Your can also see how marines effect when the spartans take command of a veichle.
  8. well i would like a longer campaign, better visors, better ODST Helmets and Silenced Battle rifles
  9. think i can take on all of that. Im a big halo fan and im a pro with the sniper. Hmph i could probably do it all on legendary and still survive
  10. Just like Bungie did with thier members with the flaming helmet,Recon and Nameplates. Have you ever wondered What 343 Industries have instored for us?
  11. I wondered, how the Halo 4 assassinations will be preformed? Will there be any assassinations or not?
  12. A new clan recruiting on the Halo 4 release date. This new clan will have Events,Celebrations,Contest's and Challenge's. The clan will be called NOVA. The main games are Halo 3, Halo REACH and for sure Halo 4. So have some cash saved and pre-order Halo 4 if you want to!
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