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Hunter (4/19)



  1. Awesome


    that can get so annoying especial at the fact that they stuff you up
  2. i dont care much if bloom or no bloom im a FF player love it
  3. about time money hungry ******** microsoft im pre happy i got minecraft for free haha free skyrim dlc
  4. not afcing you mean AFK and its when your away from the game and earning CR without doing anything
  5. Awesome


    operator with second attachment to cool
  6. people dont boot you even if you betrayal because pointless
  7. No way its as good as it has ever been
  8. hell yea i love reach and im still playing and long way still on halfway through eclipse
  9. onetime offer i was the lucky out of the lucky ones to take it but i prefer inclement weather much cooler
  10. Thanks for information and yes skyrim update is defs the dlc aswell
  11. Thanks for the information
  12. Sounds awsome hope 3431 make a great job of it
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