Complex, is a no.
It's a great idea. I actually think it's loads of fun. Just not on Complex. I spawned into a game, instantly killed the king 3 times and got a Kingslayer. That made me the king, and I was instantly killed over, and over, and over, and over... my point is, having 4 people on the other team with DMR's focusing in across the map is RIDICULOUS. Complex should not be a map for Team Regicide. I no longer play on Complex, I back out whenever it is picked. Haven't even given Solace a chance, because I hate that map with a passion, but seeming as it also has a lot of open spaces and good camping areas, it would probably be awful as well.
Another thing that infuriates me...
When our king has more deaths than anyone on our team. Wtf? How are we supposed to win as a team, when our king keeps running out to the middle of the field, doing nothing but stealing kills (I'd watch him just take one shot and get other peoples kills), and trying to kill people in a large room with a boltshot? That is not how you use a boltshot strategically, running out into the middle of a battlefield. I don't even know how he was king! He finished 17 and 15 (which isn't bad by any means), and I finished 23 and 6. He basically got one kill for every death. That's not bad at all, just he gets 10 points per kill, they get 25+. Their team only won because they had a combined 13 Regicides. >.<
A tip for the kings...
CQC is basically out of the question. Let your teammates do the work for you. Stay safe in the back, and use a DMR/Sniper or something. CQ fighting is okay when you get overshields or something, just don't hand out free regicides. Don't be reckless, stay in the back and pick them off that way. It's a good way to work on protector medals, and a GREAT way to help out your team.
On another note, why is Haven so glitchy? I used to think the needler and sticky detonator just weren't spawning, but if you go to the floor below, you can see it sticking out of the ceiling.. what's up with that? It's been like that every game for me.