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Everything posted by SkItZo1041

  1. I don't know, they do have teabagging holograms... it's not all THAT bad I guess. The only part that sucks is that in most gametypes there's instant respawn so they can't even watch you teabag them >:l
  2. Custom powerups are still in the game...right? You could just have the Flood guy spawn on one that makes you unable to move for that amount of time. If they aren't, you could do a trait zone that makes it so you can't jump on the Flood spawn, and place a small ledge in front of them. Then, they can't jump over the block, and after 30 seconds spawn a grav lift or a ramp that allows you over the block and out of the trait zone. That's the best I could come up with, hope it helped!
  3. I was about 95% sure but the last time I thought I was certain about something I was wrong and looked like an idiot xD so I just went with it. Well, for swat. I hated just about every other map. Campdown, powerhouse, boardwalk. I tolerated Zealot though. Idk, Sword Base just about always won when it was in the voting. The only thing that gets annoying is when people camp the yellow lift room with a sword or shottie in well, every other game type lol. I mean I liked a lot of edited maps for specific gametypes, like Renegade, Cragmire, etc. Then again, I was that guy that hated Hemorrhage with a passion. On another note, I really liked Breakpoint. BTB was fun there, and Invasion of course, but you know, they took that away and all..
  4. Check out my file share, I definitely know how you feel about the whole splattering someone at full speed and them not dying... lol
  5. I agree. I play for fun, but it's just a lot more fun when you feel like you're accomplishing something.
  6. SkItZo1041


    I understand that the DMR is better long range, but really that's it. I know the BR was in 2 and 3, but that's not really the point. It's iconic and all, but overpowered for the gametype. I hate watching killcams that zigzag back and forth pulling the trigger as fast as they can just because they can't aim. I'm not saying that everybody goes spray and pray, but when you face people who do, it just feels like it takes away from the competitive side of things.
  7. It is? I mean, they're both similar, but Blood Gulch, Coagulation, and Hemorrhage was the same I thought, and Valhalla and Ragnarok were the same? ..
  8. I don't think it's a big deal.. and yea, you can hurt teammates in most objective games, and I THINK snipers.
  9. SkItZo1041


    http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/17863-swat/ That's just my opinion of course. Another lovely addition was the overkill a guy got off me on Haven... gotta love instant respawn. After the fourth death I waited the full amount of time, and did fine of course, but who really waits? I don't hate instant respawn only because what happens to me, I've gotten triple kills off people before because of it too. Actually happens more often to other people really.
  10. You must've had a pretty bad team in swat if you could get 43 kills lol, not trying to be rude or anything. According to Waypoint, my highest game in 4 is 36 in BTB on Exile. Apparently, I placed 8th for that game though... haha
  11. Hemorrhage is actually Blood Gulch man, Ragnarok is Valhalla. I miss Sword Base.
  12. This is your first post... Have you bothered to use the search bar? You're not the first one to come up with this amazing discovery.
  13. Eh, it doesn't bug me. Happens a lot and all, but whatever. I can get wins the same way, so idc.
  14. Why a clan of people 70 and up? The only thing rank has anything to do with is how much you play...
  15. I can't say I agree... unfortunately, I hate Solace with a burning passion. :/
  16. I'm very fond of running from a fight to save my life if I know I don't stand a chance. However, this is almost impossible sometimes. Take out the stupid baywatch bullets and we'll all be happy. I'm so sick of like, getting drugged from each bullet that hits me and sprinting 1 MPH. It's even slowed my mantis down sometimes, wtf?
  17. Regicide is not Juggernaut... Juggernaut is wayyyy more fun haha. No, I don't think it should be taken out, people can boost in any FFA, really.
  18. k/d just comes with time bro, no worries. I was over 7000 negative on Reach, and started playing a lotttt lot more, and by the time 4 came out I was like 10,000 positive or something. Just don't give up, and play somewhat consistently, and it'll go up with time. Only one way to get better!
  19. If you're just aiming to get better, I wouldn't say Slayer Pro is the way to go...
  20. No pistol, no pistol, no pistol. In Reach, if it was Snipers Pro on Hemmorhage, that's the only gametype that was actually snipers. Snipers pro on any smaller map is just a fistfight and assassination fest. Regular snipers on just about any map is just Team Magnums or still a fistfight. Snipers in 4 is nice though, as Dawn Wolf and Neurotic Kasper had said, it's actually about sniping. And yea, the flinch and laggy kills are very very annoying.
  21. If there's multiple people on the same Xbox, don't you think all people on the Xbox should get the code for all specializations? Or should a family of 5 buy 5 limited editions, and return each one except one because they all want the code? I've bought two copies, one to help out a friend. Since I got him the limited edition one, I didn't have the money to buy myself the same thing. We have two Xbox's, so we need a copy for each room. The thing is, I'm the only one that's actually high enough level to benefit from the specializations, and can't. My point is, not everyone has the money to just buy whatever, and it's just not fair to those people. Halo Reach came with a flaming helmet for it's legendary edition, that doesn't benefit you at all in multiplayer, just looks cool. Why should you benefit from War Games just because you had more money than other people? I understand things like the Locus helm, prime assault rifle, heck even War Games map pass... but not the specializations.
  22. I always see it, it just depends on the gametype.
  23. Sorry All-mighty forum poster. Didn't realize we were in 1000% serious mode.
  24. I don't like the radar either. Ragnarok is nice and all, but it's too one sided..really. Whoever takes over the middle first controls almost the whole game. Most of the time, this is red team, because their side is just...well, all around better really. This is from what I see at least. I do like Exile, but I haven't even played anywhere else yet haha no one votes for the other maps.
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