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Everything posted by SkItZo1041

  1. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/19062-november-20th-no-specializations/
  2. Haven't seen this on here yet, so Episode 3, Chapter 4: Shootout in Valhalla, there's an RvB box at the top of one of the trees, right by the spawns, In front of the base, a little to the right I believe.
  3. Couldn't say it any better myself. That's the only way I'll ever get my pistol commendation up xD And the BR, of course.
  4. My favorite at the moment is this: DMR Boltshot (unless it's a map like ragnarok or something, then it's plasma pistol) Frags - I like the bounce, more blast radius, etc. Also trying to get USNC Loadout Mastery. Hologram - It's amazing how many people will fall for this xD The only time they don't, really is when they have promethean vision. Works nice with boltshot, and when you have a sniper, people will pay attention to your hologram from long distance, allowing you to pick them off from a different spot while they are unaware. Mobility - Lets me run to a power weapon right away in a game, like the sword on adrift, laser/rockets on ragnarok, etc.. Not to mention lets you run away real easy, or give chase for that matter. Ammo - I use this class for sniping a lot, and the DMR runs out of ammo somewhat quickly now... So I appreciate the extra half a clip on the sniper and never running out of ammo on the DMR
  5. The armor is iconic. When people think of Chief, they don't think of the guy under the armor, they think of the Mark VI. If that all changes....Halo fans go berserk.
  6. I think grenadier is nice. I'm usually quite awful with grenades, but I want the protector helmet, so I forced myself to get better with them. That being said, I decided to try Explosives + Grenadier and Explosives + Resupply. Both were alot of fun, but I have to say Grenadier was better. Resupply is nice, not running out of grenades and all, so if you want killstreaks that last a long while, that might be best. However, Grenadier preforms better on most occasions in my opinion. The simple fact that you start with 3 gives a huge edge over over your opponents. When I fight someone around a corner, I usually wait for 2 grenades, then run around and start shooting. The same goes for opponents, really. What they don't expect is that last grenade. I've killed countless people like that. Not to mention the simple fact that with increased blast radius, 3 grenades can kill just about anyone. If you pick up grenades on the map, you can have up to 3 of each too... which is pretty fun throwing 8-9 grenades out at once not gonna lie haha. Any enclosed corridors like Adrift or small rooms like in Exile, the three together rack up multikills a lot for me.
  7. The ups and downs of scoping out or flinching: Flinching lets you focus more on finishing someone off, as you don't have to scope out. This makes DMR vs Sniper battles a bit easier for the sniper, and other things obviously. If a persons teammate tries to save them by shooting you, you can still probably get that last shot off, which is a great relief. However, with flinching it is much easier to put yourself at risk. Sometimes while scoped in about to shoot someone, you'll totally forget about your surroundings. If you do, you can get shot at and not even realize it until your shields drop. Also, in the heat of the moment you can forget about your own well-being and focus more on finishing someone off, rather than turning and running if you're getting shot at. Scoping out is nice, because you get to turn and run whenever you get shot at from the side/back etc.. It's much safer. Also, if there is a sniper camping in a corner somewhere and you can't get to a sniper yourself, it's nice to be able to just keep firing at them so they can't focus in on a shot at you. On the other hand, you can't always finish someone off like you can with flinching only. And we can't forget the ever popular occasion... when you're trying to scope out, you get shot, then you end up scoping back in, and repeat. I HATED that. It's hard to pick a side really, but I seem to die a couple more times with flinching, and sick of snipers wrecking me while I have a DMR, so I think I'd have to side with scoping out on this one. Your thoughts?
  8. Wait...snipers...with a sniper!?!? lolol had to. As for what we can do: nothing! It's a community forum, gotta contact some higher-ups. I personally don't know why that's happened, maybe it's a glitch and you'll get the credits later. Best of luck!
  9. It's definitely nice. I do about 5 games max though, I get bored too easy haha
  10. Thank you, exactly what I was looking for. I remember reading something, but it was a while ago I THINK it was online. My friends told me about it on the dashboard, but I never bothered to check it out. Everyone else on the forums was saying the 20th, so I just crossed my fingers I guess aha. Thanks again!
  11. I've seen similar posts to this, but a million different answers. How do we get the other 6 specializations? I originally thought we got an email on the 20th, but I haven't gotten anything. I'm 66 and about to rank up, I'm hoping they might just be there at 70 and all... So if you leave an answer, can you provide a source from which you found it or something? Thanks!
  12. I don't mind the radars, but I wouldn't mind if they took it out. But I LOOOVE that there's no magnum. That lets you scope out real easy, and it doesn't turn into Team Magnums.
  13. Pairing up is like, common knowledge and yet they still just run off by themselves lol. I've seen my friend (he doesn't have an xbox, I consider him the worst Halo player ever, and anyone who does worse than him should sell their game) grab a sniper and go try to pummel people. Wtf!? Yesterday I was playing 4v4 on Complex, and the other team had control of one of the rooms. They were camping hardcore with a scattershot, saw, etc.. And my teammates were practically marching in one by one getting slaughtered. Then respawn, repeat! I ended up getting a Frenzy right there, as I was shooting from a distance with a DMR. It just drives me nuts lol. And yea sure, I'll add ya man.
  14. SkItZo1041


    None, they ruined swat.
  15. SkItZo1041


    As for Grifball, there's a thousand topics about Grifball not being there. Chill out, it will be added soon enough. I disagree. That's so cheap. You get just as many credits for spawn killing with a hammer, or running around with a ball, as you do for getting an untouchable or something in other matchmaking games? How is that right? And yes, I've been able to get up to about 12,000 in Grifball before, more than any other gametype as long as you make the game 3 to 2, and make each round last lol
  16. I don't know about screenshots, but I've heard the file share won't be up until next summer.
  17. I don't really like the designs of the elites. I thought they looked best in Reach, pretty good in 3, and really miss the trash talking grunts from 3. Elites used to be quite the annoyance, but now they're like, nothing compared to the knights.
  18. I'm like, 60 something... The specializations are fun, but I feel like by this time next month I'll be the next rank. Two years in Reach = Eclipse. One month in 4 = 130 or whatever the last one is lol
  19. When do you see his eyes...? Did I not notice? I've beaten it on Legendary solo and cooperatively, and can't recall seeing them... lol
  20. Easily the last mission. The beginning is so epic xD
  21. SkItZo1041

    1 Bullet problem

    There's like a thousand of these posts lol. But no, one more shot isn't the solution. Then the BR would be overpowered...then it's one more shot for that...then the Carbine and Lightrifle are overpowered... catch my drift?
  22. You'd need some dinky dinky maps, but sounds fun I guess
  23. He's right ^^ Guide button - go over to the left as far as you can - redeem code.
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